New to the DDO Store - Potions of power leveling penalty removal
Allowing power leveling to run rampant might make you happy, but it would be detrimental to the game. Aside from that, you're not going to do your friends that much good if you're 5 levels behind them. It's not the dev's fault you had to take a break. That was your choice, or a result of the circumstances of your life. You believe that the balance of an MMO with thousands of players should be upset simply to accomodate you?
Sorry, /not signed
So, a level 8 player thinks this when you join the group, do you care? Do you offer to leave group?
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
Actually I don't see the reason to institute double penalty for powerlevelling.
As long as the group is not above the quest there is no need to penalize lower levels individually.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
.... it's a 6 month necro! I'm quite sure he's either caught up by now or finding another game where people look at rainbows and sniff flowers together
Grobnak ~ Alaistair ~ Dolomight ~ Ellewood ~ Leavenworth ~ SanQuentin ~ Folsomm ~ Rikers ~ Joliette ~ Ashecliffe ~ HoaLoa ~ Walawalla ~ SengSeng
Not being able to be power leveled needs to stay in place exactly the way it is for many reasons.
1) While being power leveled you do not learn anything about the game or the way the character works. This makes you more of a hinderance than an asset to the other players when you party on level.
2) Could possibly limit the gear that you could collect while being run thru quest for your xp.
3) Exploitable. "Yes I will power level you but you must pay me XXXXX pp for my time and pass any loot that I ask for to me. Also in theory one quest could be used to make more than one level.
4) old farmers and power levelers would pop up and destroy the game.
I have played MMO's where power leveling could occur and have seen all of the above scenarios. I firmly do not beleive in power leveling and enjoy and appreciate what DDO has done to stop it.
Pfft....sorry OP, there is one level range where you don't have to worry about this anymore....17-20.
Asking Turbine to change the game because you don't have the time to keep up is absurd.
Well done. While everyone else was playing "lets beat the noob" (regardless if it was deserved or not...Wall of Text ahoy), you came up up with a constructive way for him to play with his team-mates.
+1 Indeed.
Edit: Doh! Caught by the NecroMachine. I will be turned into a Thread Golem in no time...
Last edited by muffinlad; 01-24-2011 at 12:33 PM.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
The penalty for bringing a higher level toon into a lowbie quest is perfectly fine and appropriate. We don't want easy buttons, do we?
The second penalty is however uncalled for. Being low level does not make quest any less challenging. Nor does it make a toon contributing less.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
I propose a New Year's resolution for you... .. if you see a thread hasn't had any discussion for six months and it was about a very specific situation that is probably long gone... let it die.
Do Not Resucitate.
Is this topic interesting in terms of "hey how can i keep up with my friends if they play more than i do"? Possibly.
Is this particular thread a helpful discussion of this topic? or mainly a flame vent? i stopped reading after page 2 or top of page 3, realizing it was a zombiefied thread and mainly a flame vent up until that point.
Ghallanda - Spock's elvish cousin, not to mention his other Pointy* (Eared and otherwise) alts
The problem is, you'll never catch up if they get 1000 exp and you get 200 xp...
You might have to solo or learn to PUG a little...
And you should practice writing clearly. You send an email like that in the real world, and you will be working minimum wage your whole life.
Compare this with:
Do you see how version 2 flows much easier and is easier to understand that version 1? Learn to do this and people will learn to take you more seriously.
As for the issue itself, DDO's method of addressing power-leveling is rather inelegant, but it works for its intended purpose, which is to say that it prevents high-level players from helping low-level players advance through quests they would be less capable or incapable of advancing through themselves. I understand the inconvenience of the OP, but sometimes life is inconvenient. How you deal with it can help you build character. If you don't like playing with PUGs you can either: 1) learn the quests yourself so that you can lead a group effectively or 2) learn the quests yourself so you can solo effectively. Either way you learn. When life deals you lemons, you make lemonade.
The method you recommend would not address the issue. All it would result in is the disparity between yourself and your guildies getting wider. If you get 20% of the XP they receive, they will still advance more quickly. But if you learn to run successful PUGs (and it is possible, especially if you are a good leader) or learn to solo, then you will have an easier time of catching up to your guildies to the point where you can adventure with them without getting an XP penalty.