Well, I have been playing a STR based human healing amp ninja spy dark monk, for now stunning spec'd, with the combination of Stunning Fist/Stunning Blow/ToD and Crane enh, the dps output is pretty nice. He's sitting at L13 and for the first time I'm wondering which direction to go. First, build stats (if I kept him pure build):
32 pt human, neutral good
STR 16 (all level ups here, looking to be around 36 in sun stance)
DEX 15 +2 tome for twf
CON 14
WIS 15 end game would be 28
Feats: TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Stunning Fist, Toughness, Stunning blow, IC: Bludgeon,
Human Feat: Lighning Reflexes
Monk Bonus feats: Stunning Fist, Power Attack
My stunning fist DC will be ~39, stunning blow DC will be ~33.
AC: not enough to matter. HP: Enough to matter.
With epic Jidz bracers he's looking at ridiculous healing amp (25% bracers 30% monk 30% human 10% DT armor 20% DT armor) = 278% of normal healing. Nothing like that CSW pot healing you for 70 at a time.
So anyway, my question is this: I am tempted to take a LR now and end up a multiclassed ninja spy, at 13 monk / 7 rogue. I would lose some DC on my stuns (-3), lose -2 to hit, 14 hp less, miss out on 10DR, but pick up Full UMD, 4d6+9 sneak attack damage, and some other skills. I am not convinced DC36 is enough to reliably hit in Amrath and epics.
what do you think? Would you stay pure classed?