since i reincarnated my cleric Myddo has stop doing updates
whats up with that?
Made, Thelanis
since i reincarnated my cleric Myddo has stop doing updates
whats up with that?
Made, Thelanis
>T H E L A N I S<
Welcome to the team.......
Since the lanch of my ddo 5 of my toons including my main are not beeing updated and no matter how much i complaim and send bug reports turbine simply ignore the problem....
The best response i had is that (in FEB/10) they are working on it but no eta....
Considering that this can't be a huge thing to do and the problem still remain. It's hard to believe that someone is realy working to fix myddo....
Last edited by ironmaiden-br; 07-22-2010 at 02:38 PM.
Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis