Many people (including myself) have longed for the Druid class. O am making this thread to compile all the information we have a avialable and to discuss it's role in a party. But I can't do it on my own. That's why I need you and all out fellow forumers to assist me. Until its release, this thread will be a rough draft. If you know something, I will add it.
What we know:
Due sometime in 2011. (update 11 at earliest)
Druids can heal, cast offensive Arcane spells, and have Wildshape.
They would most likely worship Gods in a way the FvS do
Access to Martial Weapon, but cannot wear metal armor. (One god does allow it though)
Could possibly be based in upcoming House T(forgot full name. Threshrak?) along with Half-orcs
There will be Wildshape