Is it too much too ask to be able to buy a plane jane quarterstaff from the general vendor in korthos village?
I head in today want to play some flavor quarterstaff build and all I can get is a moldy quarterstaff. Meanwhile everyone else is running around with their choice of weapon in a minor flaming or lesser monstrous humanoid bane and I've got a moldy quartersatff!
Fine I don't need a flamer or LMHB (but they would be nice) just let me but a darn Qstick from the general vendor, sure the guy carries around shortswords, bull dung, and a host of other things but he doesn't have a darn stick?
I am a thief could I just steal the spear from the sleeping dude in the collaborator?
Heck I'm a halfer, at least let me get a detachable from a male warforged , they don't really need it.
sorry went on a tangent there. Seriously though help a brother out with quarterstaff on korthos. Even a 5 copper plane jane from the general vendor would be appreciated.