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Thread: Ughh

  1. #1
    Community Member Ughh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Ughh

    You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
    You'll fire your PEW PEW but I'll run you through
    So when you're waiting for the next attack
    You'd better stand there's no turning back.

    The Ughhwretch sounds and the charge begins
    But on this battlefield only UGHH wins
    The smell of Ughh's butt and Toaster's breath
    As you plunge on into certain death.

    The halfing sweats with fear we break to run
    The mighty roar of Ughhina's guns
    And as we race towards the human wall
    The screams of pain as The Orthon's fall.

    Ughhfu's Touch lays them on the ground
    And the PEW PEWS fire another round
    We get so near yet so far away
    They won't live to fight another day.

    We get so close near enough to fight
    When Ughhina gets them in her sights
    She drops her drawers and I see the hell
    A burst of rounds as they kill themselves

    And as I lay there gazing at the sky
    My body's numb and my throat is dry
    And as I lay resting I hear the roar
    UGHHWRETCH blows, the enemy's no more

  2. #2
    Community Member thomprob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    You are my ugghshine, my only Ughhshine! You make me happy when skies are grey!



  3. #3


    OMG I saw Ughhina's downstairs mixup

    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
    Proud Member of Ascent
    Arko Highstar
    Arckos Highstar

  4. #4
    Community Member totmacher2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    i hate having you as a dad, this is more embarassing than the time you lost your pants at six flags and decided to make a pbr thong

  5. #5
    Community Member Asialee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by totmacher2 View Post
    i hate having you as a dad, this is more embarassing than the time you lost your pants at six flags and decided to make a pbr thong
    lies you love him as being your dad.. who else is gonna bring you beer in the basement :P
    Haylie ~~ Brandie ~~ Nickey ~~ Aleeah ~~ Asia ~~ Nixxee ~~ Asiaskylar~~ Asialee

    I hardly drink anymore.. but today you're in luck
    I carry a firearm because a cop is too heavy !

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