This game often finds its flaws with players accidently breaking the game.
Personally found a few bugs/exploits myslef (double your item on AH, the spliting of items and the removale of quest bound items to all areas). All these have since been stopped or removed whilst i was on DDO-EU. I had a good relationship with certain members of the EU-GM team and I reported and showed all these bugs/exploits as they were game blatant exploits.
My suggestion is this,
After an exploit/bug is found, why not make it public knowledge after the fix (sometimes you do, bure rarely and often in terms very un-direct) and then anyone already banned for the metionable will know that this was/is a bannable offence.
I think the people banned should be informed as to the reasoning why (even if cut and paste standard mail out)
Before anyone say's anything i'm not banned at the moment nor have been banned for using bugs/exploits