The only thing anyone ever asks for in the Trade channel is Winter Motes, and they all want them cheap. They don't want to jump for them, they just want them cheap.
Snow Elemental Gem - I have sold these for anywhere from 5000 plat to 9000 plat. Does not seem to be too much demand.
Wand of Eternal Ray of Frost Level 5 - I have sold these for anywhere from 5000 plat to 9000 plat. Does not seem to be too much demand.
Icy Burst Kits - Not offering anymore - Demand has dwindled and supply has caught up. This market is dead. The first day an icy burst kit was 100,000 PLAT now they are about 65,000 plat. And people want to always negotiate a better a price.
Frost Kits - I have bunches - No one is even asking for them. No point in offering them. I saw Recipe 3 and Recipe 4 going for 7000 plat, no motes.
I have ALL recipes also, if you desire certain recipes. I have 31 Secret Recipes. 100s of recipe 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, and 16.
Candy Canes I was selling for 100 plat each. I assume these prices will go down as the quantity of candy canes increases in the game.
I do have stacks of 100s of the good potions, price is negotiable, but you had better make me an offer I cannot refuse if you want the Chill Shield and haste. Frostbite, Feather Fall, and Superior Freeze Potions I vendor all of those. If you want one of those three, it is 40% of base value or even FREE if I am giving them away. I do give loot away when I am getting ready for sleep.
I do not keep wands. I vendor them. If you want a wand you can have them for 40% of base value. The wands are Niacs (1st, 3rd, 5th), Ice Storm, and Cone of Cold.
I vendor all Niacs, Cone of Cold, and Ice Storm Scrolls. If you want one of those three scrolls 40% of base value is the price or even FREE, you never know. Frost Lance and Snowballs I tend to give away to low level wizards ONLY.
In order to make a Superior Glaciation VIII item from ZERO, you will need 40 recipes (Recipe 6 - Recipe 13) and 8448 winter motes.
In order to make a Superior Glaciation IX item from ZERO, you will need 45 recipes (Recipe 6 - Recipe 14) and 11,585 winter motes.