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  1. #41
    Community Member sainy_matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tendare View Post
    Dislike ice skating, love egg collecting, bring back the eggs and I'll jump
    I loved the egg hunting, because it took actual skill rather then changing the way game physics worked & then allowing for some character builds to employ the rules in a way that was not expected, only to sell what they've farmed afterwards.

    The physics on the ice jump is crazy bad, you can do the same thing over and over & get extremely different results every single time. Beyond that some boosts that should work don't work at all.

  2. #42
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    I can't do the ice games to save my life. I just don't have the skill set. What I did really like about the games was that everything was unbound and thus those who could do it and enjoyed doing it could farm, the rest of us could pay. I just wish there was a small chance to get purples in quests. I think anything earned in games should be possible in quests as well, even if you are more likely to get it in the game.
    Heh. There is. A very small chance tho. Kaarloe got one today by landing the killing blow on Velah in epic.
    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
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  3. #43
    Community Member Shanadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llewndyn View Post
    Why should she not use general chat when the idiots spamming gen chat trading are using it wrong? Daggertooth is that you?

    And it IS friggin annoying... and the prices are disgusting... anyone who spends 25k plat on an eternal frost wand that does 1d3 + 1 per caster to 5 please PM me I have a bank full of Korthos cra- I mean, priceless treasures that may interest you.
    I had someone getting mad at me because I had too sensible buy prices, apperantly you have to pay tens of thousands of plats or you're decieving people.

    It's a lot of fuzz over an ice upgrade.

  4. #44
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    Default Ice Games

    The entire reason for the Ice games, is the competition with a certain other MMORPG .. ::cough, WOW, cough::

    If you have never played that game, they have taken this concept to the limit there -- there are multiple holidays throughout the year, with a wide variety of achievements you can earn by playing those games. The games roughly coincide with traditional western holidays (Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day etc). Most involve running around the world collecting stuff, but there are also boss battles and weird little skills/twitch tests. Overall amusing, and I have forced myself to participate on occasion and have had fun, while others have just been a grind.

    Back to DDO -- I hate the ice games, for the same reason as most -- I suck at them . However, I do like that they are offering stuff to do while we wait for raids to form, or just when you are bored. I also would like to see greater variety of activities to do. I loved the egg hunt, which was cool and was kind of hoping to see a wow like seasonal games form here. As DDO grows with the free to play, they are trying to keep those free players by offering them some of what they had in different games.

    Great Love it make it -- but don't forget that what most of us want is MORE CONTENT!! WAY MORE CONTENT == And NOT LEVEL 5 content!!!! Most of us have multiple capped toons, and what we like to do is new and different content for those capped toons. While I do love epic, I would like to see more than just a re-hash of old things by making them epic. I would love to see ... :gasp: new raids! If each update always brought one 12 man level 20 raid... sweet.

    and while I am making list of things I will never get --- I want a pony My toons need to ride across stormreach in style. Oh yea and a real guild bank. and... oh heck might as well stop there.
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
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  5. #45
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    The physics on the ice jump is crazy bad, you can do the same thing over and over & get extremely different results every single time. Beyond that some boosts that should work don't work at all.
    The physics are fine. I can farm coins quite easily.

    The ONLY problem is the dependency on a low-ping, stable ISP. I can do it in laggy/high-ping scenarios, but I've farmed tens of thousands of purple coins and my miss rate goes up a bit under those circumstances.

    And to all the people griping about Favored Souls and Monks: stuff it. You can easily farm 100+ purple coins per hour on any class.

  6. #46
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talonaise View Post
    The entire reason for the Ice games, is the competition with a certain other MMORPG .. ::cough, WOW, cough::
    Just about every other western MMO out there and even some of the eastern ones do this. It's just another popular diversion that MMOs have assimilated into their game to make the worlds feel more alive and give some variations on day-to-day activities.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
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  7. #47
    Community Member badbob117's Avatar
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    Talking I like the ice games

    I have started to make some new classes do to being totally bored with the lack of high level content. So for me making that +1 icy burst/flaming great axe of pure goodness and other weapons like it, are actually keeping me around. Toying with new builds and whatnot.

    I do agree that we need more content but this was already created a while ago. Why not bring it back every few months. It gets the economy moving, It gets players interacting with each other in trade chat and at the top of the jump. I actually made a few new gamer friends this go around just talking with fellow jumpers. It is not that bad of a festival. Sure the physics can be wonky and tough on lower level players, But It is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.

    I personally think they brought it back as a little perk for so many bugs and what not happening post update 5. Same as the +2 loot bonus we had awhile back. that was a perk for having prolonged downtime. This was just the devs way of saying "sure we messed up a bit, rushed things, your auctions Vanished! Here have sum icy weapons and cookies for your troubles while we sort it out"" It could have been worse. They could have done nothing and just left us to chew on bugs instead of cookies n icy chilly blue potions.

    I to hate certain missions and raids in this game. I choose to just ignore those ones. You do not have to jump for coins or ride a halfpipe. Just walk on by and carry on with whatever you were doing.!!!

  8. #48
    Community Member sainy_matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    Just about every other western MMO out there and even some of the eastern ones do this. It's just another popular diversion that MMOs have assimilated into their game to make the worlds feel more alive and give some variations on day-to-day activities.
    Dude, you and i totally have different ideas about the term "variation."

    Variation would be bringing back some of the other mini-games, maybe building some new ones. Ones that take actual player skill rather then just straight up magic. Heck maybe one with multiple ways of achieving the result. Maybe a real scavenger hunt for a group. maybe some fun little themed events, maybe some actual new content. I mean this is our 3rd time thiss year for the ice games... Give us something new already.


  9. #49
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    If you can't jump, just flag for ATDQ2. You can farm 50 blues in about 5 minutes. Enter quest, clear first hall, run back and wait for everything to respawn. Clear the hall again. Use the shrine if you need to. Ddoor or recall and repeat. When you run out of mana teleport to the market and turn everything in. By the time you get back to the desert the quest will have reset.

    That and a small amount of plat got me a superior glaciation 8 scepter in less than a day.
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  10. #50
    Community Member Wizard_Zero's Avatar
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    Default My 2 Cents

    I never done Ice Games and probably never will, but:

    1.) It's one of the few things F2P can do to make good money.
    2.) I like Ice Burst on any weapon of my choosing, I just pay some PP and their it is.

    It makes a lot of people happy with better weapons and rich. So I guess in the end,t hat is all that matters.

  11. #51
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montrose View Post
    If you can't jump, just flag for ATDQ2. You can farm 50 blues in about 5 minutes. Enter quest, clear first hall, run back and wait for everything to respawn. Clear the hall again. Use the shrine if you need to. Ddoor or recall and repeat. When you run out of mana teleport to the market and turn everything in. By the time you get back to the desert the quest will have reset.

    That and a small amount of plat got me a superior glaciation 8 scepter in less than a day.
    Forget the hall, jump down into the pit and kill as fast as you can instead.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
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  12. #52
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    Hmmm, is farming for coins without finishing the quest an exploit you could get in trouble for? But to do that without telling people first would not be fair, so never mind.
    Last edited by Talonaise; 07-27-2010 at 02:02 AM.
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
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  13. #53
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talonaise View Post
    Hmmm, is farming for coins without finishing the quest an exploit you could get in trouble for? But to do that without telling people first would not be fair, so never mind.
    If that is an exploit then I truly have no idea what is and is not cheating in this game anymore. A (very) large part of this game is killing monsters. The game rewards your for killing monsters and punishes you for not killing monsters (see also "Dungeon Alert").

    To be banned for doing something that is part of the game and for which players are actively rewarded is nonsensical.

    In most other MMOs killing respawning mobs is a large part of the game. In LotRO, for example, I have spent many hours killing respawning goblins over and over and over to get pages for legendary traits.

    (Note: I haven't played LotRO in forever, so I'm not sure if that's still how it works over there)
    You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.

  14. #54
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montrose View Post
    If that is an exploit then I truly have no idea what is and is not cheating in this game anymore. A (very) large part of this game is killing monsters. The game rewards your for killing monsters and punishes you for not killing monsters (see also "Dungeon Alert").

    To be banned for doing something that is part of the game and for which players are actively rewarded is nonsensical.

    In most other MMOs killing respawning mobs is a large part of the game. In LotRO, for example, I have spent many hours killing respawning goblins over and over and over to get pages for legendary traits.

    (Note: I haven't played LotRO in forever, so I'm not sure if that's still how it works over there)

    Sounds fair to me I am sure that it is fine. :whistles and walks away:
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
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