Feat: Dirty Fighting - Passive - The street fights and barroom brawls have taught you a few underhanded tricks that can be used in a real fight. On any successful attack, you have a 25% chance of dealing an additional 1d4 untyped damage. Additionaly, there is a small chance that, if the dirty fighting damage is dealt, you will also inflict one of a few status effects upon the enemy: Blindness, Stun, Lowered Armorclass, Bleeding wounds, or Trip.
Enhancement: Improved Dirty fighting -
Requirements: Lv 1 Barbarian, Lv 1 rogue, Lv 1 fighter, lv. 1 monk. (or dark path).
Requirements: Feat: dirty fighting.
You have trained your skills in the street. You have a 5% better chance of dealing a status effect on a successful Dirty Fighting blow.
Improved Dirty fighting II:
Your Skills in the street have improved. Your damage with the Dirty fighting feat has increased to 1d6.
Imp. Dirty Fighting III:
You now have a much better chance of dealing damage with your dirty fighting ability, and you use status effects more often. You now deal extra damage an additional 15% (total 40% of your swings) and you use status effects 5% more often.