Don't get to big headed, some things need groups :-)

I say this after 2 of my group die, the others are low / 0 mana and I meet my first beholder, Fight went like this:

- ok guys we just need to get to that res shrine and were ok! (just insight)
- beholder in the way, " no worries ill tank / dps him guys!"
- all going well just healing his dmg with my healing ki and strike...
- "we should make it ok guys"... death ray (you roll a 2)
- anyone for fried monk?
- beholder gobbles the other 2 in seconds

Whole of vent erupted in laughs after seeing that, wired thing is I was front of it, but I was jumping to hit it as i didn't realise.u didn't need to lol

Good times, thought u'd get a laugh from it