I have a 18rgr/1rog/1ftr character that I am want to TR twice to get to legend 36 point build.
>>> First TR from 32point to 34point:
Past life feats : From reading up on this (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life_Feats), you can't choose what feat you want from the past life, rather you get a passive feat and another feat (that takes up a feat slot) that is set dependent on what class you had in the previous life. Please confirm this?
These feats don't seem that fantastic. Are they worthwhile? Are they a major reason why someone would TR in the first place to get access to these?
>>> Second TR from 34point to 36point:
You then get access to another past life feat. Does this mean that you can now have two past life feats at this stage?
If so I assume that it will take two feat slots. So once more, is it worth taking past life feats and giving up 2 slots? Or when you TR do you get extra number of feats above first life?
What happens if both your past lives are the same class? Do they stack? Do you still need 2 feat slots?
All responses appreciated.