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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Gothiscandza is recruiting groups of real life friends/couples

    First, it's one word, Germanic for the legendary place of origin of the historic Goths. Why that name? Because it's different, and it's related to a novel I'm writing, but I digress. My housemate and I are 30-something professionals who have also been D&D players for quite some time. We had this idea a few games ago about recruiting groups of people who know each other in real life, or couples, such that no matter how large our guild grows, everyone in it knows at least one other member in person. We thought it would be a great way to keep the friendly atmosphere no matter how large we got, and we were right. What surprised us was the number of real-life-friend groups out there, which enabled us to grow relatively strong from a powergamer standpoint as well, giving us the best of both worlds. Due to circumstances unforseen we were kept from DDO for a while but now the Goths are back. Our core is not huge, as not all of our friends from other games are playing at this time, but we aim to change that now. We have a handful of members in North America, Europe, and Asia, and as we continue to grow we expect a decent number online at any given time. If you're looking for the kind of close kinship that our unique philosophy has to offer, along with the potential to enjoy end game content within a reasonable time frame, give us a try. There are no requirements other than having a friend you know outside of the game who will join with you (you are essentially each other's character witnesses). Please contact me, Mathild (or Anagyth), in game or on this forum if this concept intrigues you. If I'm not online send a tell to Zaragevna, Kallysta, or Surkin and they'll happily answer any questions and/or invite you and your friend/spouse/companion to join our fold. Thanks for checking us out,

    Mathild aka Anagyth
    Last edited by SMRommel; 07-18-2010 at 07:18 PM. Reason: provide more info in title

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