I've always thought it is fun to push the limits of what one can accomplish in game, so today I decided to see what I could do in Epic Content.
The objective was not to complete, rather to try and develop strategies and experiment with how my interactions with Epic Mobs differ than in non-Epic quests.
Background: I've only done a few Epics, and only in the last few days, so I'm really kind of jumping in blind as to exactly how Epic strategy and mob AI may differ from what I'm used to.
Objective: Clear out the front room of Epic Wiz King and survive. That's it. The front room.
Character: 18 CLR, 2 MNK Halfling, TRed. Offensive Caster build, low STR, Buffed and Crafted ~550 HP.
Plan: Go in, Bladebarrier, kite and observe.
Went in, buffed and carefully scoped out mobs before attracting the attention of 3-4 Windlashers, a few hyenas and a Windlasher Cleric. Dropped first Bladebarrier and got about 80% complete saves, no damage. The tics that did damage were 1/2 damage saves at around 150-180 per tic. Normal numbers are ~300 per tic and ~525 on a crit.
Changed strategy and started to Energy Drain, which helped a bit, but not nearly efficient enough.
Third strategy was really not a strategy so much as a crapshoot- took out a Rahl's and blindly whacked, hoping to hit them with Armor Destruction in the worst case scenario that I may have to attempt melee damage.
Outcome: Killed 6-7 of the mobs, all Windlashers and Hyenas. The Clerics were not as easy, so I teleported out once I realized that I didn't have the proper tools on hand to do anything worthwhile.
The part where it hurts my brain:
This is pretty much a maniacal long shot, but I thought it would be possible to armor destruct the mobs, then have at them with Maladroit/Bonebreaking/Improved Cursespewing topped off with a little Contagion to do Dex damage, which would hypothetically lower their Reflex saves. Lower Reflex saves and being Cursed from the Imp. Cursespewing in theory make them more susceptible to Blade Barrier damage.... right?
TL;DR, and you're nuts:
A. Is it possible for me to solo farm the entry, both to test my effectiveness and limits or is this going to end in massive frustration?
B. If there are proven/good methods for Divine solo-farming Epics, what are they and what tools/weapons/spells are needed?
Last thing I need to admit so you can all have a good laugh at my expense- ;p
Right before I ported out, I thought that I'd pop a Wizard Hireling to throw a few Firewalls.... just to see what would happen. Yes, I know it's silly. Yes, I expected that a Hireling would be about as effective in Epic Wiz King as a Summoned Fiendish Spider would be tanking Suulo.... Climbed one of the ledges near the first shrines, summoned, and before I could even command him to FW, he got one-shotted. It was the best laugh I had all day.... I rezzed him about 4 times and before he was even up, he was skulled again... so much for that theory, lol.