hold me ..
Delving Boots
nuff said
Thelanis: Ikem | Rakassi
I know they're cute, but maybe if you quit trying to cuddle with kobold shamans and killed them instead you wouldn't have this problem...
Mror Hold, 2nd in command - Thelanis
Why am I a disgruntled vet? I could care less about nerfs, if the rest of the update worked.
I hate epic, GSF !="generalist wizard", and my raid loot luck still *'in sucks.
I believe by lvl 7 you can equip a spell resistance 13 item. Next to warforged, drow are very good at not getting held. They are not immune but have natural spell resistance that mostly protects them.
Look, if anything, I think the casters in this game need a boost. More metamagics on non-Epic, remove the frickin laughable melee attacks from everything except Troll and Ogre casters, speed up the casting animations, improve their targeting. Make the AI learn, i.e. if that force missile just bounced off you, cast something else.
Given almost every spell can be counteracted or highly mitigated in some manner, or is ineffective if it does land, I'm willing to bet 90% of the damage I take is from physical attacks.
Agreed then every npc caster can be like the players SPAM WLLL OF FIRE!!!
Just kidding but casters do need a buff besides lets deal more damage. Maybe making a caster that cast Finger of death once in a while or even wail of the banshee, or Mass Hold Spells for those without FoM or SR. Maybe making necromancer who cast ray of enfeeblement on someone besides the parties caster. Make the AI smarter and the game challenging! (just no skynet)
A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
Threads: Halfling PrE, Master Thrower / New set of spells: Illusion
My only advice for a level 7 Paladin would be: Spell Resistance.
A caster will first have to roll to bypass the target's spell resistanbce. If this roll succeeds then the caster has to do the standard roll. This will improve your chances to withstand a hold spell (as well as some other spells).
You can buy belts and armours with spell resistance on the auction house or find it while questing.
Maybe you would like to handle fewer monsters at a time. Mixed groups are very nasty. Seperate the monsters. Use a ranged weapon to pull only a few monsters instead of running into the whole bunch.
The other things the other posters mentioned (items and spells) will not be available to a Paladin at this level, nor the equipment (unless you're twinked).
Last edited by diamabel; 07-18-2010 at 11:29 AM.
Because, what to stop them from giving us Proof against Cometfall, Proof against Firewall, Proof against Otto's Irresistable Dance, Proof against Trip, Proof against Cleave, Proof against The Easy Button?
However, I will agree with you that Hold Person will completely dominate you at the lower levels so they might want to evaluate the spell a bit.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Also, block while you are held.
Wouldn't Protection from Evil do the trick? It's a mind-altering effect...
Get FoM or become a WF that is all that is required we dont need more stuff poluting the loot tables.
Beware the Sleepeater
DDO is a complicated game. Although the environment is very easy to progress through, expert players find all kinds of ways to improve their chances. If you are really having trouble in a level four quest with a level seven character, you are simply beyond your capability. If you are smarter than a trained monkey, trust me when I say, some day soon, you'll laugh at how easy this really is. Here's some suggestions:
Hold is a Will save. Boost that save by:
Owls Wisdom (Will is adjusted by Wisdom modifier)
Eagles Splendor (Paladin's also add thier charisma modifier to all saves)
Protection from Evil (adds +2 to your saving throw)
Paladin saving throw enhancements (use a few action points on higher saves)
You could also be a Warforged who aren't persons and therefore immune to Hold Person. Or you could be Drow and pump up your spell resistance which will greatly reduce the chance for being held personed. Both are fine solo paladin classes.
Also try
Casters first (learn to identify and kill casters first)
Quit zerging (slow down, sneak into new areas and get a look at what's there first, try pulling only one or two enemies back from the larger group)
Smite the casters with a two hander (you should be able to often one-hit kill a caster with smite evil)
Boost damage for killing fast (increase your strength and charisma as much as you can, use divine favor + bless)
Trip them (if your first smite doesn't kill it, your second shot should be Trip, kobolds trip very easily)
Another tip (although I rarely get held anymore, this is the way it used to work). You can shield block after being held. It increases your AC and DR. Turn to face your attacker and go into shield block mode. Kinda stupid to work that way, but that's how it worked for a very long time. Can't say for certain if it still does, but try it.
Last edited by parvo; 07-19-2010 at 01:56 PM.
I can't imagine how when i was new to the game way before mod 9, ever managed to solo up to lvl 8 quests with just the stuff i got from quests, no dungeon scaling and a PnP Gimp build with 28pts.
patience and tactics matter more than any easy button in the end.
i didn't even need the free awesome stuff they added when Korthos came along.
As you know, Protection from Evil used to make the recipient immune to Hold Person. However it was changed a good while back when Turbine re-interpreted the rule on it. I'm in favor of the change. Low level characters can already get enough AC that melee attacks are a joke. Most harbor quests on hard, add fire resist and immunity to hold, and it's absurd.
#1: Because some spell immunity already exists like: Proof against Poison, Blindness Ward, Death Ward... We don't need to put immunity to damage based spells, because they don't kill the player with full HP in one shot or doesn't paralyse and weaker until death.
#2: Any badlucky player can die from full HP by using any possible strategy.
I have a spell resistance of 13, Will Power of 13, Str of 18, Wis of 14, Cha of 20, an Holy Weapon, Lite Fortitude. I don't have enough cash to purchase an item that absorb any spell effects.
Having more HP doesn't change anything, because it will only give an extra second or two of freezing by the Hold Person spell.
I already know both stategy: killing the caster first or pulling one by one. Almost of the time, I kill the ennemies back of a wall or something that make me invisible from the casters.
What we can do when we get stock in a room where the door close back of us and we don't have time to reach the caster before he cast Hold Person from the other side of the room?