I was wondering if anyone could suggest a repeating crossbow build. I made a halfling build once long ago I really liked to play.
I tend to play solo when I do.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
I was wondering if anyone could suggest a repeating crossbow build. I made a halfling build once long ago I really liked to play.
I tend to play solo when I do.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
I think I found the build I have in mind but unfortunately it only progresses to lvl 14.
Anyone have any ideas as to how to continue the build through to lvl 20?
I thought I had updated that build to 20....
And I did but I never updated the actual post
Its up to date now... although that was one of the builds that changed a fair bit when I did the update.
My new format is not as easy to use as the original (thats mostly a concession to the time I have, the old format took a looooong time to lay out and was prone to copy and paste errors)
Thank you Sigtrent, much appreciated.
Just to clarify.
Taking repeater at lvl 1 just replaces the feat rapid reload until lvl 20 or do I need to queue the repeater feat in front of rapid reload?
Also does it matter what repeater feat I take light or heavy.
lots of good stuff in here.
I suggest mechanic, the int and sa damage really adds up, add UMD, rogue skills, it is a fun toon.
Well, It used to be to make a repeater build you would take the feat "Exotic Weapon: <Size> repeating crossbow" as early as you could since that was the central feature of the character.
With the Mechanic prestige enhancement you get those proficiencies for free when you get to level 6 and 12 rogue and take the enhancement.
If you took the feat, then it would be wasted once you got the feat again from the prestige enhancements.
On the Calamity Jane build you don't get the repeating crossbow proficiency until level 7. Until then you would have to use normal crossbows.
I think I mis-spoke when saying you could take it "staring out". To do that I would have to re-arrange the other feats. When you take rapid reload, you have a +0 base attack bonus and Exotic Weapon requires a +1 bab. You could take it at level 3 instead of weapon finesse. Then at level 7, when you can take the Mechanic 1 enhancement, you could feat swap Exotic Weapon for weapon finesse. Sorry for the confusion there.
Light repeaters vs heavy is not a big difference. Heavy does a bit more damage (1d10 vs 1d8) and is otherwise identical so its far more popular. Some take light instead because the light repeaters are in less demand and thus cheaper/easier to buy on the auction house. The damage difference is pretty small. Mechanic 1 gives you light repeaters, Mechanic 2 gives you heavy. Its definitely nice to have both so you get maximum selection.
If you do the feat swap, I'd go with heavy repeaters. I'd just hang in there for level 7 myself because without finesse, melee combat will be quite a bit less accurate.
I'm doing the Hellfire build on page 2 and so far so good. Up to lvl 10 at the moment and I really enjoy it. The SA damage is really nice and the damage is not bad. I have not messed with traps yet but I plan in doing that later. I plan on making high level grenades and stocking up as much as possible. So for now Im just collecting trap parts wherever I go.
I'm staying pure Rogue for the capstone, the + int and 4 sa die will only add to the damage.
Thanks for the tips all. I think I have a better understanding with my choices. I did not realize the enhancement application to the builds, now I do.
This might give you some ideas - it's my soloing repeater build