Hello, I would like to be able to have more options within the guild screen. Some come easily to mind,
1 - Sending a tell from the guild list. This seem obvious, but currently, I have to physically type /tell (playersname) and the message. It should be an option, like from the "who list". I don't always keep track of guild chat in the party window, so if someone needs me, its a hassle.
2 - Guild Mail, We should have the ability to send bulk mail out to our fellow guild members. This too, seems like an obvious feature to have in any guild setting.
3 - Groups, this one is a little harder, but I would like to see what everyone is up to, if they are in a group, or soloing, or in a pug, If the group leader is in the guild, we should know hes the leader, and possibly color code the people in the group with him, and note any open slots. Similar to the "who" tab, there could be an icon next to the leader, with a little 4/6 on it (representing 2 open slots). People in the same group can have the icon too, (all the same color)
4 - Leveling, I am in a guild focusing on newer players and advancement is important, when a guild member makes a new level, a message should pop up, for all to see. (and cheer)
5 - More guild ranks, but that's been asked before. Even just one more level would be helpful.
6 - Displaying the guild level on every toon's name, really, what are we proving, now that its been active for some time, I dislike it even more than before. You could make it an option to display, or make it part of your "z" screen. And I do miss knowing if I"m running with a guild officer, or leader. Enhancing the guild system and then taking away the distinguishing trademarks of guild members was a big mistake IMHO. Having an option to flag yourself as an officer or guild leader should be included. Having non-guild members know they are in a PUG with a guild leader, may make them inquire about the guild, or play / act more like a team. Back when you could see officers, I know I shaped up my act when I was running with a group of known officers. Additionally, if there is a "bad apple" in a guild, seeing that he is only a "probationary member" (new guild rank) would not make me hate the whole guild, but if hes an officer .......
Just my short list, there are many more improvements I can't think of at the moment.