Hey folks,
I just downloaded the game yesterday. I had played briefly when DDO launched the first time, but never got far enough to gain any real knowledge about the game mechanics.
I have been reading the class forums over the last few days to try and get some sort of ideas about what class I would like to play. There are lots of good builds up, but to be quite honest the amount of information at this point in time is a bit overwhelming to me. It seems to me that I can easily gimp a character by just making random choices on enhancements and feats.
What I am looking for is some suggestions on a fairly straightforward character build of any race/class combination. Something that doesn't take a whole lot of advanced knowledge to be able to pull off while I learn more about the game. I am currently a free-to-play player, so I don't have any of the high point options or classes available to me yet. I also don't know anyone in the game as of now, so I will be soloing some content and hopefully picking up some random groups to learn more about group mechanics and game ettiquette.
Perhaps something that does not have a critical role in a group setting, so that when I do something dumb (which is inevitable) I don't get kicked out of the group by disgusted group members.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.