Time for my first Khyberdrama(tm) thread!
It's ok that you totally forgot to deal with the crystal on part 2. What wasn't ok, however, was dropping group while everyone rallied when you were the only arcane. We would have forgiven you, reallyssss.
Time for my first Khyberdrama(tm) thread!
It's ok that you totally forgot to deal with the crystal on part 2. What wasn't ok, however, was dropping group while everyone rallied when you were the only arcane. We would have forgiven you, reallyssss.
Nope, no rangers in the party and the healers couldn't get it with their cometfalls, mainly because they never had to.
I think I've run with this person? They piked and ran around a lot, had very low HP. I think your hidden name is a little off?
They didn't know the crystal and I commented at the end that I thought they were a gold farmer that didn't know english.