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  1. #1
    Community Member yangmo3's Avatar
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    Post Is human ranger good or bad?

    I think that human is a good race witch fit pretty well in the ranged class but somehow elf is better.

    This question has troubled me for a long time so, today I want to know is human a good race for a ranger.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Aurora1979's Avatar
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    yea, sure nothing wrong with a human ranger at all.
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  3. #3
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Human is good. Elves do 1-2 more damage per hit, but they are squishier too. Honestly, any race can make a good ranger. Just don't forget to put points in str and con. Wisdom is overrated - even starting at an 8 you can get this high enough with easy to find items that you won't have to worry about being able to cast anything.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Humans make excellent rangers because:

    - No stat deficit to overcome

    - Extra Skillpoint per level and more importantly, extra feat at creation (Rangers have their 1 to 6 feats locked in stone if they want Tempest or AA, so human lets you get in a helpful feat early!)

    - Healing Amp enhancement

    - +1 to any 2 stats via enhancements (Can increase Str, Int, Cha or Wisdom, something no other race can do)

    Elves make good archer rangers, and can enhance scimitars for melee, but their lack of con is rather painful, and their bonuses to dex are unnecessary. Aside from weapon damage, elves lack many worthwhile enhancements. they are very low on my "What makes a good ranger" list.

  5. #5
    Community Member yangmo3's Avatar
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    i understand but if i want to play a lv 18ranger/2 rogue, should i put good amount in Intel too?

  6. #6
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    12 int starting will let you keep the important skills maxed easily enough. There's also no particular reason to go 2 rogue over staying with 1. This is why the Exploiter exists. You could also take a fighter level instead if you don't care to go for AC.
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  7. #7
    Community Member yangmo3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonMage View Post
    12 int starting will let you keep the important skills maxed easily enough. There's also no particular reason to go 2 rogue over staying with 1. This is why the Exploiter exists. You could also take a fighter level instead if you don't care to go for AC.
    so a lv 2 rogue almost makes no difference with a lv 1 rogue?
    so if i understand, i can go with 18 ranger, 1 rogue , 1 fighter?

  8. #8
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    The major feature Rogue 2 unlocks is Evasion. This is already unlocked with Ranger 9. Similarly Ranger 19 only gives access to 1 extra spell slot for levels 2/3/4. Not a bad feature, but almost always less useful than the feat slot Fighter grants you, or the feat + unarmored AC that Monk gives you.
    Caisha Stormweaver - Some class split dependent upon TR needs - Argonnessen
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  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
    Humans make excellent rangers because:

    - No stat deficit to overcome

    - Extra Skillpoint per level and more importantly, extra feat at creation (Rangers have their 1 to 6 feats locked in stone if they want Tempest or AA, so human lets you get in a helpful feat early!)

    - Healing Amp enhancement

    - +1 to any 2 stats via enhancements (Can increase Str, Int, Cha or Wisdom, something no other race can do)

    Elves make good archer rangers, and can enhance scimitars for melee, but their lack of con is rather painful, and their bonuses to dex are unnecessary. Aside from weapon damage, elves lack many worthwhile enhancements. they are very low on my "What makes a good ranger" list.

    omg someone who knows what they're talking about.. i went elf just to test it out on my 2ndlife really wish i stayed human so time to go around again

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