The final version of my build can be found here...
The final version of my build can be found here...
IMO never go less then 14 bard.
14/6 would be better. You lose evasion but your songs would be 2nd only to a pure bard warchanter. You miss out on level 6 spells (OID is great), so consider the popular 16/x/y splits.
Also consider True Neutral. Makes it rough earlier but later on you can UMD whatever you need.
This build is fine and will play fine.
I'm not sure that the extra melee ability gained from the fighter levels is really equal to what you'd just get anyway from more bard levels (we'll know the answer in u6 when we see warchanter 3). Losing out on the possibility of either warchanter pre kinda sucks, but that's the great thing about respecs. You can try a creative build like this and adjust it to reflect game changes.
Now, that said, the extra BAB, haste boost, and damage -is- nice. I would think of it more as a buffing fighter than a bard.
You can probably drop SF: UMD once you get some shroud gear and get extend to make those hastes a little longer. Or, if you're so inclined, stunning blow would fit on this build very nicely.
Last edited by Anthios888; 07-15-2010 at 05:44 PM.
Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
I have a 16/2/2 build in progress. I just wanted to try something different. I originally wanted a drow, but I'm sick of looking for rapiers. I was able to go to the auction house and buy my level 2-10 dwarven axes for next to nothing this morning.
Yep...that pretty much sums it up. I've been playing twf bards for a few years, but this one looks much tougher.
i liked your work up so i decided to use the char planner to copy it so i'd have it handy. not sure why it didn't come up like yours though.
i couldn't get improved or greater twf even though dex is 17 even after taking the rog dex at lvl 9. accordingly i had to chose other feats to make it work. might have waited too lond to add the fighter enhancements but i always forget to use them in a fight anyway so for me no biggie. i also couldn't get the skill points to work out like you had them, always had leftover points. anyway, could you look it over and see if maybe i did miss something or could replace something to make it work. thx.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1 DDO Character Planner Home Page warchanter Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Male (7 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 11 Bard) Hit Points: 320 Spell Points: 320 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 15 Will: 8 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Strength 16 21 23 Dexterity 16 16 17 Constitution 14 14 16 Intelligence 8 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 8 Charisma 10 10 10 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Balance 7 11 15 Bluff 0 0 1 Concentration 4 19 20 Diplomacy 0 0 1 Disable Device n/a n/a n/a Haggle 4 4 4 Heal -1 -1 -1 Hide 3 3 3 Intimidate 0 0 1 Jump 7 14 14 Listen -1 -1 -1 Move Silently 3 3 3 Open Lock n/a n/a n/a Perform n/a 18 18 Repair -1 -1 -1 Search 0 0 2 Spot 2 2 2 Swim 3 6 6 Tumble 7 11 11 Use Magic Device 4 23 23 Level 1 (Rogue) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Haggle (+4) Skill: Jump (+4) Skill: Search (+1) Skill: Spot (+3) Skill: Tumble (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I Level 2 (Bard) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Perform (+4) Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I Level 3 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting Spell (1): Hypnotism Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Level 4 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Focusing Chant Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I Level 5 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (2): Blur Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I Level 6 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Power Attack Spell (2): Heroism Spell (1): Sleep Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Level 7 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Tumble (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II Level 8 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (2): Sonic Blast Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds Spell (3): Haste Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II Level 9 (Rogue) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Spell (0): Good Hope Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I Level 10 (Fighter) Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Level 11 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I Level 12 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Spell (3): Displacement Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Level 13 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Level 14 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (3): Remove Curse Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds Spell (4): Freedom of Movement Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV Level 15 (Fighter) Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Dodge Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II Level 16 (Fighter) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Perform (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II Level 17 (Fighter) Skill: Perform (+0.5) Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II Level 18 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Power Critical Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I Level 19 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Enhancement: Fighter Strength II Level 20 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Use Magic Device (+5) Spell (4): Dimension Door Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III
I'll post up the character planner version of it in the morning. You have to have 17 dex before enhancements for the feats, so you either have to use a +1 tome or put a point in dex on a level up. On the skills, I put my points in jump on the fighter levels and open lock on the second rogue level. Anyway, I'll post it when I get off work in the morning.
p.s. I just noticed that I left off a fighter feat, so it looks like I get extend spell afterall. I think I'm going to take one more fighter level early to get OTWF sooner too.
ok crunched the numbers and changed a few things around. took advice from Sani_medicor and went with the 16bard/2fighter/2rogue set up. i did my best to stick to your outline but i'm not sure if concentration really needs to be so high so might want to put points into rogue skills. i was tempted to drop rogue dex seeing that i put 1 pt from ability (i don't know if its a glitch but dex enhancement didn't open the ITWF feat). I also fell short of kensai so decided to focus more on healing since the build really wasn't made for DC penetration, though with more emphasis put on charm and DC penetrating enhancements chosen it might work. but for now its really a buff/heal fighter. let me know what you think.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1 DDO Character Planner Home Page warchanter emergency healer Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Male (2 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 16 Bard) Hit Points: 280 Spell Points: 425 BAB: 15\15\20\25\25 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 17 Will: 9 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Strength 16 20 21 Dexterity 16 17 18 Constitution 14 14 16 Intelligence 8 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 8 Charisma 10 10 10 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Balance 7 19 23 Bluff 0 0 0 Concentration 4 23 23 Diplomacy 0 0 0 Disable Device n/a n/a n/a Haggle 0 0 0 Heal -1 -1 -1 Hide 3 4 4 Intimidate 0 0 0 Jump 7 15 15 Listen 3 3 3 Move Silently 3 4 4 Open Lock 7 12 12 Perform n/a 22 22 Repair -1 -1 -1 Search -1 -1 1 Spot 3 3 3 Swim 3 5 5 Tumble n/a n/a n/a Use Magic Device 4 23 23 Level 1 (Rogue) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Jump (+4) Skill: Listen (+4) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Spot (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Feat: (Automatic) Attack Feat: (Automatic) Dwarven Stability Feat: (Automatic) Dwarven Stonecutting Feat: (Automatic) Giant Evasion Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Rapier Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortsword Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow Feat: (Automatic) Orc and Goblin Bonus Feat: (Automatic) Poison Save Bonus Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Feat: (Automatic) Sneak Attack Feat: (Automatic) Spell Save Bonus Feat: (Automatic) Trapfinding Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I Level 2 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting Feat: (Automatic) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Dwarven Waraxe Feat: (Automatic) Heavy Armor Proficiency Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL) Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General) Feat: (Automatic) Sunder Feat: (Automatic) Tower Shield Proficiency Feat: (Automatic) Trip Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Level 3 (Bard) Skill: Perform (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Feat: (Automatic) Dismiss Charm Feat: (Automatic) Fascinate Feat: (Automatic) Inspire Courage Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Level 4 (Bard) Ability Raise: DEX Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Hypnotism Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I Level 5 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Automatic) Inspire Competence Spell (1): Focusing Chant Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I Level 6 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Selected) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds Spell (2): Blur Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Level 7 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Remove Fear Spell (2): Cat's Grace Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II Level 8 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Automatic) Suggestion Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II Level 9 (Rogue) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Feat: (Automatic) Evasion Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I Level 10 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds Spell (3): Haste Spell (2): Heroism Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Level 11 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Perform (+1) Feat: (Automatic) Improved Inspire Courage Spell (3): Displacement Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Level 12 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Power Attack Feat: (Automatic) Inspire Greatness Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II Level 13 (Bard) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Open Lock (+0.5) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (3): Good Hope Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds Spell (4): Freedom of Movement Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I Level 14 (Bard) Skill: Open Lock (+1.5) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (4): Dimension Door Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV Level 15 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Level 16 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Open Lock (+0.5) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Automatic) Song of Freedom Enhancement: Bard Song Magic III Level 17 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Open Lock (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (5): Mass Cure Light Wounds Spell (5): Greater Heroism Spell (4): Summon Monster IV Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack III Level 18 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Open Lock (+0.5) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Spell (5): Summon Monster V Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III Level 19 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Automatic) Inspire Heroics Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II Level 20 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Spell (5): Shadow Walk Spell (6): Mass Cure Moderate Wounds Spell (6): Summon Monster VI Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II Enhancement: Bard Song Magic IV
That's not a glitch: stat enhs don't count towards feat pre-reqs; only base stat + lvl-ups + tome (if any). If you can afford a +2 DEX tome (either from AH or DDO Store), you can start with DEX 15, put 2 extra pts into CON, and put all your lvl-ups into STR, so your final stats w/enhs will be 22 / 18 / 18 / 8 / 8 / 10.
Why 11 bard? 12 gets you the last + to damage for songs through enhancements.
I had a similar split posted awhile back but human twf with rogue skills heres link might give some ideas.
Also 12 leaves it open if turbine ever gives us some bard love for WCII
Proud Officer of The Madborn
That works is a preferance thing sense going the more dps I geuss 10 hp and a 5 % is worth trade if thats what ya want over +1 damge for the whole group.
It is all in what ya want though still a solid build will miss out on wc 2 if ever comes out. But if any good can always lesser if want to.
Songs still give if max out +6 damage so ya should be fine and don't let people tell ya different it is your build and do it how ya want.
Proud Officer of The Madborn
Here are the two final versions of the build. You have to decide the split by level 11 to get the skill points to work out correctly.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34 DDO Character Planner Home Page Conseco Medicor Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Male (6 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 12 Bard) Hit Points: 346 Spell Points: 367 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 17 Will: 9 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Strength 16 23 24 Dexterity 16 18 18 Constitution 16 18 20 Intelligence 8 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 8 Charisma 12 14 14 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 8 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 20 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 20 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 20 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Balance 7 13 17 Bluff 1 2 3 Concentration 3 20 21 Diplomacy 1 2 3 Disable Device n/a n/a n/a Haggle 1 2 2 Heal -1 -1 -1 Hide 7 8 8 Intimidate 1 2 3 Jump 6 16 16 Listen -1 -1 -1 Move Silently 7 8 8 Open Lock 7 12 12 Perform n/a 25 25 Repair -1 -1 -1 Search -1 -1 1 Spot 3 3 3 Swim 3 7 7 Tumble 4 5 5 Use Magic Device 5 25 28 Level 1 (Rogue) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Hide (+4) Skill: Jump (+3) Skill: Move Silently (+4) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Spot (+4) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Level 2 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 3 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 4 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds Level 5 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (1): Remove Fear Level 6 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Power Attack Spell (2): Blur Spell (2): Heroism Level 7 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Detect Secret Doors Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds Level 8 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 9 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Spell (2): Rage Spell (3): Good Hope Spell (3): Haste Level 10 (Rogue) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 11 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Level 12 (Fighter) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Level 13 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Level 14 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Level 15 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons Level 16 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (3): Displacement Level 17 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Level 18 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds Spell (4): Dimension Door Spell (4): Freedom of Movement Level 19 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds Level 20 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage III Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery I Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery IICode:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34 DDO Character Planner Home Page Conseco Medicor Level 20 True Neutral Dwarf Male (7 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 11 Bard) Hit Points: 350 Spell Points: 340 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 8 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Strength 16 23 24 Dexterity 16 18 18 Constitution 16 18 20 Intelligence 8 8 8 Wisdom 8 8 8 Charisma 12 14 14 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 8 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 20 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 20 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 20 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Balance 7 11 15 Bluff 1 2 3 Concentration 3 20 21 Diplomacy 1 2 3 Disable Device n/a n/a n/a Haggle 1 2 2 Heal -1 -1 -1 Hide 7 8 8 Intimidate 1 2 3 Jump 6 11 11 Listen -1 -1 -1 Move Silently 7 8 8 Open Lock 7 12 12 Perform n/a 25 25 Repair -1 -1 -1 Search -1 -1 1 Spot 3 3 3 Swim 3 7 7 Tumble 4 5 5 Use Magic Device 5 25 28 Level 1 (Rogue) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Hide (+4) Skill: Jump (+3) Skill: Move Silently (+4) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Spot (+4) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Level 2 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 3 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Level 4 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+3) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds Level 5 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (1): Remove Fear Level 6 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Power Attack Spell (2): Blur Spell (2): Heroism Level 7 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+3) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (1): Detect Secret Doors Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds Level 8 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 9 (Bard) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Spell (2): Rage Spell (3): Good Hope Spell (3): Haste Level 10 (Rogue) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Perform (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 11 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Level 12 (Fighter) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Level 13 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Level 14 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Level 15 (Fighter) Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons Level 16 (Fighter) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Use Magic Device (+0.5) Level 17 (Bard) Skill: Perform (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Spell (3): Displacement Level 18 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Selected) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device Level 19 (Bard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds Spell (4): Dimension Door Spell (4): Freedom of Movement Level 20 (Bard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Perform (+2) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost II Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost III Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics I Enhancement: Kensei Dwarven Waraxe Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Armor Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II Enhancement: Fighter Kensei I Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Sunder) I Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery I Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery II
32pt? well going to have to stick with my build for now.