Since the last patch i've noticed a little difference that i'd like to see either confirmed or dispelled.
First of all, let me say i am aware that the devs claim that the introduction of both guild renown tokens and festival coins in no way influences the drop rate for named items in raids.
I ran 4 x DQ's in 4 days (one a day) on different toons after the update that brought the festival coins into play again, and had 4 x skunk's in a row.
This is a first for me, being addicted to DQ (and it's fabulous loot) i run it a lot, seriously, many, many times.
After my first 100 runs through on various hardness settings i clicked onto the fact that more raid loot seemed to drop on the 'hard' setting then any other. I've been running in on 'hard' ever since.
(it's possible i'm wrong, truly, i've been known to trample down squishy details on occasion once i have an idea in my head)
My question is this, has any one else noticed a drastic change to the named loot drop rate in DQ since the coins started dropping (or any other raid for that matter), or did i just have a very unlucky run there for a while.
Coit out~