Stupid late penalties are a load of BS.
I joined an at-level von 5 pug last night after they had started. By the time we get to the end, I have the most kills, but yet I still have a "-50% because you arrived late and contributed less". Really? REALLY?!!?!
I wasn't the only one. 4 of us were still sitting at -50%. By our math, it couldn't have been 5 more minutes until the penalty was gone when a couple of the non-penalized people decided they'd start the iron golem fight anyway.
Alt-F4. No, I'm not sorry. I told them I wasn't about to waste my first time bonus on being over level (we had a level 13 in the party) AND a -50% late penalty. So I didn't.
Then, I switch to my FvS for an ev6 run. Yark! Epic FAIL von 6, that is. Multiple base 3 wipes because whoever was over there couldn't handle it, even with help. Multiple base 1 wipes b/c base 3 was taking so long... 3 SP pots later... /release
/rant off
Just venting. Move along.