These are the core values of our guild, if you are found to be lacking anyone of these you wil be givin a warning from a Officer to correct yourself. If these traits continue are not a trust worthy person, hence will result in automatic explasion.
Items/Loot - We believe in sharing freely amoung our guild mates, we are here as a team and not make money off of a deserving guildy in need, but if you loot an item and need it yourself its yours for the taking, if more then one person is asking for a item you are going to vender it will go up for a roll of the dice /roll 1d100.
We will not tell our members how to play, when or how much to play, or who to play with. That is the decision of the individual.
Verbal Harassment/Abuse - We're a bunch of beer-drinking foul-mouthed vets for the most part, so everyone needs to understand that occasional cursing or giving a fellow member a playful ribbing is OK, as long as it stays confined to the voice server.
Voice Communications - Conversations on the server can get a little rowdy occasionally. We all try to conduct ourselves in a civil manner (while having fun) whenever possible. However, headphones are still highly recommended as profanity within limits is allowed. As a father myself, I realize that some people have children present at times but it's up to our members to keep our less dignified conversations from reaching the ears (and mouths) of their children.
Falsifying Service - If it's discovered that you faked your military service in order to become a member, you will be summarily dismissed. While it may seem like just a little white lie to a civilian, it absolutely disgusts those who have served. Thankfully, there are laws out there specifically designed to punish these individuals such as the Stolen Valor Act.
General Disruptions - If you can't control your own behavior, you won't last long here. The leadership of this guild has a responsibility to ensure that we create a stable and relaxing environment where all of our members feel welcome. This is not your personal platform to push an agenda, or be a loudmouth. If you receive a warning from the Officers. Take it to heart and take corrective measures to ensure that it's not an issue again. Respect your fellow members and they'll respect you.
Basically, act like an adult and you'll be treated like one. In life, you can do anything you feel like... You just have to be willing to accept the consequences
If you have made it to the bottom of this post and would like to run with a solid group of great players please submit your application on our forums.