I'd pay for an item that would change my fugly mithril +5 full plate into a better looking version. Would you?
I'd pay for an item that would change my fugly mithril +5 full plate into a better looking version. Would you?
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
i know i shouldnt care what my armor looks like but...i do. so yeah /signed
Whitewolfe of khyber.
Lot of Orion.
Chak of almost every server in some form or another.
As I've suggested not only once, the easiest way is to repick the GS ways.
Create a DDO shop stone. If we combine an equipment with the stone at the stone of change, the stone "eats" the stats of the equipment. If then we combine the imbued stone with the same kind of equipment (fullplate with fullplate, etc), the equipment loses its stats but gains the ones from the stone.
It should be free. I dont think everything in this game should have a pricetag.
They clearly are working on this already. Just check out the cosmetic hats and shield.
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
No I wouldnt pay for it. I already pay a subscription to Turbine to play the game. I should not and neither should anyone else have to pay additional $ or £ to choose how their characters Armour, Shield, Helmet or Weapon looks.
It should be part of the game, not just part of the DDO store.
So in everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Cannith: Arqa - Celduin - Gnossos - and others.
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com
Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
Visit our website at: http://fareastguild.webs.com