Hey all,

I am pretty new to this game, (or rather I played at launch but have basically been gone since before you could advance past level 10) and I am looking to make a melee damage focused fighter type character.

At this time I am basically looking at making a Kensai III fighter character, either as pure fighter, or possibly I may end up 18/2 fighter/rogue.

Either way, I was looking at the different weapon type choices people talk about, and I was wondering - is there any reason why going elf and using scimitars as your weapon of choice would be a bad / sub par idea?

I am not particularly familiar with the mechanics that come into play at the end of the game that would cause this to be a poor choice, so I am wondering would the very large critical threat range on a kensai scimitar be worth while? 14-20 I believe, particularly with elves recieving bonus damage and hit on Scimitars?

Thanks for any insights into the situation.