I keep finding great ones and was thinking about making a character to use them. With the new glancing blow changes, do you get more dps using two with twf or one with the thf feats?
The damage will not compare to two handed or two weapon. It's just a slight boost to keep the sword and shield people from falling too far behind.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
IIRC the glancing blows only apply if you are NOT using two weapon fighting.
Two with TWF by far.
If you want to make an intimitank, B-Swords are good when you're sword-and-boarding (D-axes are better if you're a Dwarf, possibly even if you're not). In that case, you want the THF feats.
If you go that route, pick up a good two-hander for DPS, as most of the time, intimitanking is not necessary.