/signed. I have been playing archers since DDO was released. I have heard and had to put up with gadzillion abuse because of the general perception that ranged combat was gimped. It is great now today to see posts that ranged combat needs a nerf for once even if this new top dog status is short lived it is still is nice to enjoy for a few weeks.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
This is not a nerf. This is a broken feature of the game allowing for an exploit. Specifically: manyshot is supposed to have a 2-minute cooldown before uses; with the current implementation error it can be left on continuously. This is not an overpowered feature that needs nerfing; it is an implementation flaw that needs fixing, just like stuck spots in quests and the AH failing to return expired auctions.
With this in mind, the OP is perhaps over-dramatic in the urgency of the fix. There are many other current implementation errors that I think are far more important (sp/hp guild augs shrinking slots; full re-eqip on login, etc), and should be higher on the devs' priority list. Meanwhile, as other posters have mentionned, Archers should enjoy it while it lasts, and others should be prepared to compete harder than normal for kills.
This whole cooldown bug is just amazing.
Polar ray machine guns!
Many Shot barrages!
Insta Unyielding Sov on command!
Also, you can probably do other, less awesome stuff with it.
One thing I get from this thread is the general idea that Ranged needs a buff. It does. This is a fact.
Auto Many shot is not the answer. Increased rate of fire based on attack bonus along with Proc chances for double/triple/quadruple arrows is the answer that I see.
Make a feat available to all ranged users, give it some heavy pre reqs but make them ones people would take.
something like this:
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Bow Strength
Many Shot
Shot on the run
BAB 15
Your ranged attacks potentially block out the sun. While the Barrage stance is active all ranged attacks made by the Character have a chance to fire additional arrows. 10% of the time single attacks will fire two arrows. 7.5% of the time single attacks with fire three arrows. 5% of the time single attacks with fire four arrows.
Meh. I can't believe I actually went through the mental anguish to type something up about ranged toons.
Neg rep for this? Weak like 7 days. Not my fault someone cant handle the truth about the way people build their toons to incorporate exploits and unintended bugs they knew would be fixed, then decided to cry about it afterward and act like it was intended operation the entire time.
I wonder how many LRs Turbine sold due to the fact that so many people LRed back to pure barb because of the unintended haste, and then afterward when they LRed back out of it due to the fix.
Ya'll may want to check Lammania...unlike the current live server, let's just say my ranger there seems to have to wait a full 2 minutes for manyshot no matter what he tries to do to get it to fire off sooner
Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted!
I doubt this is something they'd put in the release notes as they likely don't want to publicize the existance of the bug in the first place for obvious reasons.
Now just remember the old saying, "don't kill the messenger"....
~PESTILENCE~Looting's our business and business is good.Officer On Thelanis - Deathseer, Deathslasher, Deathcount, Deathslicer, Deathspinner, Deathsneak, Deathswiper, Deathdoctor
Funny the fixed the handwraps issue of 100% proc on certain wraps in a quick hotfix, monk too powerful [ha!]. But this they leave.
I'm happy for the Ranged rangers and Arcane Archers pwning it up at the moment tho.
Did they fix this?
Everything seems to be functioning as before.
so to be clear once again, I knew of manyshot and Unyielding Sovereignty but I didnt realize the extent of the problem
I never never asked for any kind of ranged nerf, but I will say that this game is not PnP so those rules are only guidelines and shouldnt be a reason ranged should be as effective as melee
apparently you are wrong
the whole rep system is stupid and rampant with abuse so dont sweat the small stuff, I fully expected some neg rep. I'm actually surprised only one
looking for a good frog
In general....
Paladins can uber heal and just keep rockin.
Clerics/FvS can uber heal/super banish/implode.
Mages never spent their whole pool so fast.
(Except that one time, when you were lvling up your first wizard, circa mod 1, and you just got the old non adjusted maximize....)
And best of all, archers are being complained about by the two weapon fighters as being OP.
Black is white. Up is Down.....
Dwarven sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
Storm Shadow of Mabar...er Argonnessen....
Strype McClaine = Elans = RoboStrype McClaine = Shotguns McClaine = HolyStrype McClaine = Styxxx Roboto = Gunner Longshot d'Jorasco
I didn't neg you but your tone was unnecessary seemed arrogant and trolish your follow up continues that.
The capstone fix would have been much better received had they actually fixed the capstone. I personally had assumed it was intended as a replacement and never fixed the description as they tend to do often. It's not a big deal the capstone didn't stack with haste or madstone so wasn't worth much outside of soloing anyway.
ok let me get this right since i have been playing people have been complaining about ranged rangers need a boost because they suk then they get it and now people complain about it.
go figure why nothing gets done.
its ok, A few people cried on the forums about the barb capstone. Chai likes to blow things out of proportion BIG TIME.
I know I didn't give turbine any LR dollars on ANY of my toons due to "Bugged Capstones" or any other nonsense. If you asked Chai though me AND all my friends did it.
Wait, I took a trolling tone. I'm sorry.
Turbine, Fix this wierd cooldown bug please. Its pretty uber, but not so much fun when everyone gets to cheat
I have been playing my lvl 18 AA ranger alot lately and have not seen this "bug/exploit". Use many shot alot too! lol guess I'll have to keep plinking away.
alts Verpel Bunny Ftr, Spawnshadow Bunny Rogue, Loaner Rgr and Draazt Drow Ranger