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Thread: WF ac?

  1. #1
    Community Member dragonhighlord1's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Default WF ac?

    I am a building a rogue with monk splash that is my first WF, currently level 13, and bracers 6 do nothing to ac, What is the best gear for ac at this level? at end game.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zorth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    wf ac sucks

  3. #3
    Founder Roman's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    WF have to work hard for AC, but it can be done. My main is a warforged tank that can self buff to 75AC + 4 bard + 5 pally + 2 recitation = 86 raid AC in TwF mode.

    Not amazing AC, but enough to get the job done.
    .: Reaper :.
    Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank

  4. #4
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    In contradictory to what the above posters has said WF has a very easy way to obtain AC, and they can also get among the highest AC in the game.

    First of all you must understand the basics of WF armor class. Their "body" feat gives
    +2 composite plating (this is what you have if you don't pick any feat)
    +5 Mithral Plating (This is the worst of the 3, and wouldn't take it unless you go for evasion and not monk)
    +8 Adamantine Plating (this is good for armored, low-mid dex ac tanks)

    The docent (say +5) stacks with the innate AC, so for example +8 plating and a +5 docent means +13 AC.

    As this is "armor bonus" it does not stack with armor bracers, hence why you don't experience an increase.

    To put up some examples of ac;
    A no-armor high dex build will get
    2 composite plating
    7 DT docent
    2 chaosgarde
    11 AC that is very easy to achieve, doesn't require hard to get items such as +8 AC bracers, so it's VERY easy to get mid-high ac without putting much effort into it at all.

    A human version would get
    8 armor bracers
    And that's it they have to go for icy raiment to get 12 AC, which is only 1 more and for that they need 2 hard to get items.

    Now, here's the thing, WFs has the epic docent of grace, which has +8 Amor class, for a grand total of +10+2chaosgarde which the same as icy + 8armor bracers fleshy.

    And if you put it in full-plate terms, you have a human with
    +15 Epic stonemeld platemail (or any other epic with a blue slot, +1 max dex, and +15 armor)
    +3 max dex (as they have slotted it with +2 max in that blue slot)
    +2 chaosgarde
    20 ac

    8 plating
    8 docent of grace
    2 chaosgarde
    3 max dex (as they slot it with max dex +2)
    21 ac

    Which is 1 more than any other fullplate user, except dwarves, who can reach 22 with rediculous amounts on max dex and Dex.

    TLDR: WFs get higher AC than fleshies, they also require less farming than fleshies to achieve this ac.
    Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 07-12-2010 at 12:45 PM.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

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