this isnt a pvp game n i highly doubt it ever will be !
see for there to be "real" pvp n not this tacky tavern doodoo u need instances that are "open" to evryone not just the "group" u happen to be in lol
ive seen stuff added like u want it evrytime it doesnt mesh with pve general builds are very different and fix one pvp messes up pve etc etc
Last edited by SilkofDrasnia; 07-11-2010 at 11:45 PM.
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
Have you also not considered the fact that Turbine gets 99% of their funds (off this game) from players PvEing? Special Hirelings, Rez Cakes, Adventure Packs, VIP, the list goes on. PvP? Nothin'. No point for them, why would they care? This went to a suggestion thread to something that has been brought up at least 3 times before that I alone have seen, and all of them were shot done faster than a blimp in the middle of a flak cannon zone.
Speaking of warzone like things, go play your average shooter for PvP experience. Leave a unique (PvE) game alone.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
To the OP...
No. Just no.
If they spent even 5 seconds on anything more to do with PvP, it would be TOO much.
Any free time they have should be spent on lag fixes, bug fixes, quest improvement etc.
Just put up an LFM for a match at an out of the way tavern - heck, two of the tavern PvP 'pits' are under-utilized as it is (just get away from the Lobster). If you don't want others (higher levels as you say) ruining your fun even in these places, just move everyone into a CFT, etc private zone.
Let's not waste precious dev time on a PvP cueing system.
You guys need to be nice to this dude. I made a thread about nerfing something once and tons of people called me a troll while they were the trolls, they hijacked my thread, called me names and gave me bad feedback. I got nearly 600 negative rep from a single post. This guy obviously wants an easier way to have fair PvP fights too. I say let him complain and if you don't like it then keep it to yourself. It won't affect you anyway because you don't PvP right?
/not signed
PvP development is not where I want to see my money going towards.
PvP = Fail .... no thanks.
DDO PvP system is an after thought, and it should remain that way, if you want to see how uber you are, why not go and solo the shroud or ToD.
Actually PvP can help you make good PvE builds sometimes. Though it can also help you make bad ones. But say a ranger wants to have Power Word Stun immunity, he goes into a Shroud BOOM no more squishy rangers in the group because he tried to get Power Word Stun immunity.
A bad example would be a wizard specced for electricity instead of fire and their Wall of Fires suck as much as they do.
While i wont get into the yes or no of wanting more pvp (no), i will say this:
If pvp is made to be anything more than a distraction like it is now, if you actually spend development time reworking it, and make it even the slightest bit attractive, if you make it so someone even contemplates doing it, if you actually encourage pvp in any way (what i'm really thinking is if its made so you get rewards like buffs and such, so folks would actually be encouraged to do it).....
If its encouraged through a reward system of any kind, or made in any way non consential (someone suggested nuking low level players from a high vantage point, ganking as it were), the outcry of every nerf ever made in the history of this game, will not even begin to come close to what will happen if this goes into effect. The mass exodus the likes of which has never happened in this game will begin. '
It would be a bad bad idea.
(The above is my absolutely overreacting opinion. I hate pvp with a passion that just cant be described. I hate it even more in certain games where it has no place, this being one of those games. I intentionally rambled to make it clear that i'm so choked up with absolute fury even thinking about the possibility, that i just cant make any sense out of it.)
I could think of a couple scenarios that would work as long as the "reward" is miniscule, and the amount of time committed to this project would be equally as miniscule. I'm more inclined to say leave it alone. But, if in the future it does happen, then keep it simple, keep it from affecting the pve portion of the game, and keep it consensual....I dont want to hear about it, see it, smell it....not even a passing clink of sword on armor while i'm running by it.
There. Got that out of my system.
Just say no.
What this game needs is not straight up pvp, but competitive quests. Take a raid group, split it up into two groups of six, and have them compete to finish a quest in the fastest amount of time/least deaths/etc. Make it an option in the quest window so existing quests could use it. It'd solve two problems; give capped character something to do (competitive epics anyone?), give pvp oriented players a way to compete while staying relatively true to dnd mechanics, and it would further encourage Turbine to produce more quests, perhaps some specifically designed for competitive play.
Last edited by Zuldar; 07-14-2010 at 03:28 PM.
Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry.
/not signed
PvP does not work with the DDO ruleset very well at all. Anymore emphasis put on pvp would inevitable lead to complaints over casters of all sorts being OP. This would lead to developers making changes willy nilly to class balance that would not equate well to PvE.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Adding my no thank you to this. At this point adding anything extra to PVP would require true focus to it. we still have classes with prestige lines or unfinished ones. We still have capstones that lack a bit of luster.
Pvp would have its place if it was in from the begining and given a true focus, I get the argument that its in most mmo's and video games but the last bit of Dungeons and Dragons spirit this game has is the fact that instead of encouraging us to gank each other they still maintain pvp as a side option and want us to focus on team work. Just like mounts which would be unnecessary in Ebberon we have a world of enemies to tackle why do people care so much if their mad skills can p'own another player? I just dont see the point of a pvp focus in this game it just doesnt fit.
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