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  1. #1
    Community Member Questing_Healer's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Request: Pure 20 Paladin Dwarf 32 Point Defender of Siberys Build

    I know what my thoughts on this are, but I'm very specifically looking for a pure 20 paladin 32 point dwarf build that focuses on Defender of Siberys, tower shield, and axe. I have a build in mind but I'd like to see other thoughts, I've taken a long hiatus from the game.

    My wife is interested in a 32 point warforged paladin build utilizing greatswords or two handed weapons in general.

    Good builds for either would be appreciated greatly. Important features - no multiclassing; going for full 20 paladin. (For flavor and rp purposes as much as because we want to try a pure build finally.)


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Questing_Healer View Post
    I know what my thoughts on this are, but I'm very specifically looking for a pure 20 paladin 32 point dwarf build that focuses on Defender of Siberys, tower shield, and axe. I have a build in mind but I'd like to see other thoughts, I've taken a long hiatus from the game.

    My wife is interested in a 32 point warforged paladin build utilizing greatswords or two handed weapons in general.

    Good builds for either would be appreciated greatly. Important features - no multiclassing; going for full 20 paladin. (For flavor and rp purposes as much as because we want to try a pure build finally.)

    Ulitmega is a good WF+GS build:

    Pure Paladin doesn't get Tower Shield Proficiency feat, which is why 2 Fighter is a common splash for Paladin DOS builds. Also means you can easily have Dodge, Power Attack and Combat Expertise.

    You can use the Madstone Tower Shield which has Tower Shield Proficiency as a bonus. The epic large shields would be the best goal.

    Something like this might work for Pure DOS build, ignore Tower Shields:

    STR 16 + 2 = 18 + 6 = 24 + 1 (epic) + 3 (excpt) = 28 + 5 lvl + 1 (+3 tome) = 34 + 4 (stance)
    DEX 11 + 2 = 13 + 5 = 18 + 2 (epic) + 2 (excpt) = 22 + 2(tome/excpt) = 24
    CON 16 + 2 = 18 + 6 = 24 + 2 (dwaf) + 2 (excpt) = 28 + 1 (epic/tome) + 1 (excpt) = 30 +4 (stance)
    INT 11 + 2 = 13
    WIS 8 + 2 = 10 + 6 = 16
    CHA 14 + 2 = 16 + 6 = 22 + 1 (epic) + 3 (excpt) = 26 + 2 (pally cha II) = 28

    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitallity
    200 Paladin level 20
    160 @CON26
    22 Toughness (Feat)
    30 Greater False Life
    20 Dwarf Toughness II
    20 Paladin Toughness II
    45 GS MinII Item
    22 Minos/Toughness Item
    40 DOS Stance
    20 @CON28
    20 @CON30
    = 609

    Level 1: Toughness
    Level 3: Two Handed Fighting
    Level 6: Extend and switch to Combat Expertise at 20
    Level 9: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 12: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 15: Power Attack
    Level 18: Greater Two Handed Fighting

    You'd want this armor:

    Epic Vambraces of Inner Light (MDB: 1) (Blue: +2MDB) (Colorless: WIS+6?)

    To get this AC breakdown:

    EPIC AC:
    10 Base
    15 Epic Vambraces of Inner Light (MDB: 1)
    9 Epic Kundarak Warding Shield +7 (MDB: -)
    5 Protection +5
    1 Paladin Bulwark of Good
    2 Chaosguard
    5 Barkskin
    2 Recitation
    1 Haste
    4 Insight +4
    2 Alchemical
    = 56
    6 MDB 1 + 2 (blue) + 2 (dwarf) = 5 or 20 DEX
    = 61

    AC MODE:

    5 CE
    4 Inspire Heroics
    3 Dodge +3
    = 73

    4 Paladin Bulwark of Good IV
    1 Defender of Siberys III
    4 Defender of Siberys III stance
    2 SOD Set
    2 MDB 1 + 2 (blue) + 2 (DOS) +2 (dwarf) or 24 DEX

    The main struggle is working out the enhancements. If you take the following you have 4 spare. Maybe dropping Axe Damage or 20 HP from Dwarf CON II.


    == SOD (27AP)
    Paladin Defender of Siberys III (8AP)
    Paladin Courage of Good I (+2 vs fear aura, 1AP)
    Paladin Focus of Good I (+3 Concerntration, 1AP)
    Paladin Paladin Armor Class Boost I (+2AC for 20sec, 1AP)
    Unyielding Sovereignty (6AP)
    Bulwark of Good IV (+4AC, 10AP)

    == Dwarf (21AP)
    Dwarven Axe Damage II (+2 axe damage, 6AP)
    Dwarven Constitution II (+2 CON, 6AP)
    Dwarven Toughness II (+20 HP, 3AP)
    Dwarven Armor Mastery II (+2 MDB, 6AP)

    == Paladin (28AP)
    Paladin Weapons of Good (1d6 holy vs evil plus 2d6 light damage vs EO/Undead, +vs DR/Good, 2AP)
    Paladin Charisma II (+2 CHA, 6AP)
    Paladin Toughness II (+20 HP, 3AP)
    Paladin Resistance of Good III (+3 saves aura, 6AP)
    Paladin Divine Righteousness I (200% hate for 1min/turn, 2AP)
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II (+2 LOH, 3AP) - Heals (10 + LEVEL) x CHAMOD [210HP (base@20)]
    Paladin Extra Turning II (+2 undead turns, 3AP) - no of turns = 3 + CHA + Extra Turning [10 (base) + 2]
    Divine Might II (+4 sacred damage for 1min, 3AP. Req 16 CHA)

    == 4 SPARE

    Divine Might III (+6 sacred damage for 1min, 3AP. Req 18 CHA and +4 TOME)
    Paladin Divine Sacrifice I (5d6 Good, CM+1, 1AP)
    Paladin Divine Sacrifice II (7d6 Good, CM+1, 3AP)
    Paladin Exalted Smite II (+CHA to hit, 7+lvl damage, +1CM/CR. 4sec cool down 3AP)

  3. #3
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Biggest reason for a 2 Fighter splash: Intimidate as a class skill.

    Without Fighter, you can only get 11 ranks, 12 less than if you splashed in those levels.

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