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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Problem with getting Guild Level 100

    Let's imagine a hypothetical situation here. You're a new player and have been blind invited to join a guild. You, with hundreds of other newbies, help build the guild renown faster than most other guilds. Months later, the guild finally reaches level 100. Your reward for all this work? Being dismissed from the guild with 95% of the other "newbies" after having done most of the heavy lifting getting to level 100. Think this isn't going to happen? It is probably the secret game plan of some of these guilds. It will make a lot of the involved players very angry, perhaps even to the point where they quit the game. I have two possible ways to prevent this from happening (or at least punishing the guild for doing it)

    1) The easy but quite fair way: Your guild has 1000 players. A player leaves or is booted and you lose 1/1000 of your renown. Another leaves or is booted and you lose 1/999 of your renown. Boot most of your guild and you'll lose most of your renown.

    2) The hard but more fair way: Keep track of how much renown each toon earns for a guild. If the player leaves or is kicked, the renown is subtracted from the guild. This is the more fair way because it hurts the guild only as much as that toon has contributed to the renown. This is the hard way because it will require some bookkeeping code to be created to keep track of how much renown each toon earns.

    This will also help make it so that guilds have to treat their members better because if they don't keep them happy, they can leave and hurt the guild's renown.

    Let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Renown decay at level 100 would probably be astronomical.

    If you did make it up there and booted a ton of people, your renown would probably drop like a rock without hundreds of newbies farming harbor quests to keep the renown stable.

    Although I would hope that a guild farming harbor wouldn't be able to make it to level 100 in the first place. That would prove that the system is even more broken than it already is.

    Basing renown off individuals is a bad idea IMO.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    95% of 1000 leaves 50 toons to maintain renown at level 100, not gonna happen.

    Additionally guilds like this are mostly joke guilds, which no other party will accept into their raids for them to get decent renown at high level. Sure they can keep levelling lowbies, but what's the point when you're laughed at constantly?

  4. #4


    Though its not the first time calculations have not been provided by devs, it has been surmised here that guild renown decay may be as high as 5250 per account if level 100 is reached.

    Leaving, no. I beleive if a player leaves, whatever renown they earned stays with the guild.

    Being booted... well, nothing will guarantee some of the heavy (capped) guilds wont do that. From what I've read it's not outside their scope of depravity.

    But then again I don't believe, if renown decay is as such, that they will wait till level 100 to clean house. More than likely there will be several rants on how unfair it is first before they start cleaning house. My suggestion, if you are in guild such as this, look for the signs, they should be fairly clear, and act accordingly.

  5. #5
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    decay is:

    (guild level - 25) x (amount of accounts x 70) per day

    so guild level 100
    50 accounts

    (100-25) x (50x70)

    75 x 3500 = 262,500

    as a guild that is level 100, with 50 accounts: they would need to earn 262,500 renown per day to maintain level 100

    divide by 50 accounts = 5250 per person.

    assuming EVERYONE is active, that is very manageable.

    whether the guild has 1000 people or 1 person in it, a LEVEL 100 guild will always require 5250 per person.

    hehe a lvl 100 guild w/ 1 person only has a 5250 renown upkeep per day. imagine the leader booting EVERYONE!
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
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  6. #6
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Red face wow

    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    whether the guild has 1000 people or 1 person in it, a LEVEL 100 guild will always require 5250 per person.

    hehe a lvl 100 guild w/ 1 person only has a 5250 renown upkeep per day. imagine the leader booting EVERYONE!
    Equal parts disturbing and astonishment. Thank you for spelling it out.
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
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  7. #7
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamsamoth0 View Post
    Equal parts disturbing and astonishment. Thank you for spelling it out.
    I'm fairly certain that is the correct formula; memory serving, that is.
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  8. #8
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    hehe a lvl 100 guild w/ 1 person only has a 5250 renown upkeep per day. imagine the leader booting EVERYONE!
    Nice ... WAI
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  9. #9
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Default world broadcasts

    so will we all get the world broadcasts when a guild reaches level100 or 90 etc?
    if there is an announcement each time a guild reaches 100 or any other notable level
    and guilds decay and then level back up wont the announcements be stupid?
    decay for the most part seems silly IMO maybe like 10000 a week or something/100 members.
    I wont type everything i think but i believe theres room for improvement here

  10. #10
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    decay is:

    (guild level - 25) x (amount of accounts x 70) per day

    so guild level 100
    50 accounts

    (100-25) x (50x70)

    75 x 3500 = 262,500

    as a guild that is level 100, with 50 accounts: they would need to earn 262,500 renown per day to maintain level 100

    divide by 50 accounts = 5250 per person.

    assuming EVERYONE is active, that is very manageable.

    whether the guild has 1000 people or 1 person in it, a LEVEL 100 guild will always require 5250 per person.

    hehe a lvl 100 guild w/ 1 person only has a 5250 renown upkeep per day. imagine the leader booting EVERYONE!
    Has this formula been solidly confirmed, either through dev or multi-guild observations, or is it still being figured out?
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