Been playing for about a month now and lurking about the whole time. I'm a bit of an alt-aholic and have 3 toons on Sarlona currently but none above level 4. Most currently rolled a warforged which I plan on taking up to 18 paladin/2 rogue (thanks to some great guides in the Builds & Paladin forums).
Grouped up for the first time the other night and had great fun. Delayed it this long for 2 reasons: 1) didn't want to be a complete dumba$$ running through a mission for first time, and 2) i'm playing with an xbox controller which limits my ability to chat at the same time. Guess I could install Xfire on the htpc but until I really need to I'll just deal with the current setup.
Anyhow, now that I'm certain playing with a controller doesn't limit my combat abilities in a group setting I'll probably be out there grouping more often. Hope to see you in game.
Crimni / Yvesof / Crawtimus
all guilded but I can't recall the name, "Market" something or another.