When I try to view my character on My DDO it tells me that it's ben archived please log in with the character to view their sheet, but I've been logging in with the character every day and no change. What gives?
When I try to view my character on My DDO it tells me that it's ben archived please log in with the character to view their sheet, but I've been logging in with the character every day and no change. What gives?
I think some characters are bugged and dont update.
Beware the Sleepeater
MyDDO is bugged.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
I searched for my character on MY DDO also and every server is listed twice except Orien. How can this be fixed? I think that's what is causing my characters to be "archived", cause the Orien one I can look at. Please let me know!
Helpful replies are appreciated the rest is just **** you should keep to yourself. I would like a solution other than ignore My DDO please.
Talk about a MYDDO bug, the only character on any server I have won the lottery on is one I had deleted long before he ever won. I even thought hey I'll just reroll another toon same name same class and try to grab the items but that didn't work either.
A wonderful idea poorly implemented however I do freely admit I could do no better myself as I do not have any experience coding.