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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ranger Tracking Ability - Where Is It?

    As self-respecting Ranger, I wanna track something.

    Couldn't we have it where monsters leave a kind of 'ultra-violet' trail as they walk their patterns that only Rangers can see when using their tracking ability? Kind of like how mammals leave ultra-violet tracks that hawks and other birds of prey can see? At least that would be something.

    Then, in later quests and wilderness areas, far-ranging monsters or bosses that were trying to avoid being followed could be incoporated.

  2. #2
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    Sure, but it's a toggle stance, and you move at half speed until level 8.

    But they'd need to add is as a feat option for anybody.

    I think, considering the limited size of dungeons, that it's not worth implementing. However, I don't think your idea is *bad* aside from that.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  3. #3
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    You really have to plan for these things ahead of time so that you can integrate it across the entire game. At this point I don't see the value.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    Well you dont really need to plan ahead at all.

    The information on creature locations is always available to the server, and information is passed to the client so they can be rendered.

    This is just another way to "see"

    You could use the minimap and put up more arrows to point in the direction of creatures, and also render DOTS representing creatures other than the fellow party members.

    Not just rangers would get this, tharashk dragonmark characters , and also probably a divination spell (available to wizards/sorcs or bard maybe) would also allow this.

    You could even implement minor spells like detect evil, detect undead etc and use the same display in the minimap to make it work. In fact I'm sure some other game has done this before.

  5. #5


    Not to be knocking your suggestion but....

    Once you have run a quest 2-3 times you "know" where all the enemies are. As far as "pathing" goes this isn't WoW or some other MMO where you have to pull mobs 1-2 at a time while others are pathed away..

    "Tracking" even if they did implement it exactly as you described it would likely get little to no use for the two reasons I posted above.

    Perhaps what they should do is make tracking a "rare spawn checker".. you enter quest, hit tracking, it tells you if the rare spawns are up. That would be nice.

  6. #6
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xionanx View Post
    Not to be knocking your suggestion but....

    Once you have run a quest 2-3 times you "know" where all the enemies are. As far as "pathing" goes this isn't WoW or some other MMO where you have to pull mobs 1-2 at a time while others are pathed away..

    "Tracking" even if they did implement it exactly as you described it would likely get little to no use for the two reasons I posted above.

    Perhaps what they should do is make tracking a "rare spawn checker".. you enter quest, hit tracking, it tells you if the rare spawns are up. That would be nice.

    Lol, I don't know if you have noticed but several "rares" have had landscape modifications that slightly slow ransacking them down.
    Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?

  7. #7
    Founder & Hero
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    yeah even swg rangers had tracking until sony killed them

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