Is voicechat a requirement? Because while convenient, I personally prefer reading over listening, especially since it leaves my accustic attention free for emergencies upstairs with the kids

and doesn't force me to use earplugs, not to disturb the baby hopefully sleeping by my side.
My wife and I recently returned to DDO. We'd been playing a few months from preorder, but stopped playing when zerging became ubiquitous, even with our friends that started DDO with us (and got us to subscribe in the first place). We did not transfer from codemasters, since our attention was away from DDO during that window. So far we've been getting reacquainted with the game - and adjusted to the changes - in our private group with hirelings, which allows us to play at our own speed and react freely to (infrequent) interruptions from the kids or the baby.
I'm usually playing rogu-ish builds, the wife healer-ish - she's currently trying out a warchanter, though, since our only unlock so far is the drow. We're playing VIP for now, usually during EU primetime.
I became aware of your guild from Syncletica's blog and was thrilled to find it's on our 'home' server. (That's saying a bit much though, it's just that it was the first server on the list and now we have our only favor unlocks here

) It sounds, as if we might find like-minded people here, so I thought I'd ask if some of you would like to get to know us, to see if we're suitable 'hiring' material

I'm usually running with 'XMerin' when grouped with the wife, 'Peacegrown' (my WF r/w) when solo.