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Thread: Sorc or Wiz?

  1. #1
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    Default Sorc or Wiz?

    Which is better overall?

  2. #2
    Community Member kaelis's Avatar
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    sorcerers r00l, wizards drule.
    Beaker is self-centered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phalcon View Post
    Best Piker: Beak: that son of a ***** always scew's me over in every quest im ever in with him. I honestly Don't know why i keep grouping with him!

  3. #3
    Community Member LordRavnos's Avatar
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    Your going to hear answers for both sides of that can of worms honestly, so I will say it comes down to what you prefer. Sorcs can cast alot faster, have more SP and can get a higher UMD due to a much higher cha, downside limited spells and can only change 1 once every 3 days, and also get new spells 1 level later than wizards and only 1 at first. Wizards have access to all spells at any shrine or tavern, more skill points due to high int and 5 extra feats. If its your first arcane caster, go with wizard for a bit to learn what feats and spells you like so you can plan your sorc out if you chose to make one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Is that a trick question? A nuker should heighten, empower and maximise flushing the toilet
    Quote Originally Posted by fmalfeas View Post
    It will do damage like taking a point-blank meteor swarm in the crotch. You hear me people, stop encouraging Turbine to meteor swarm crotches!

  4. #4
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    Wizard. Better DCs better past life benefits.

  5. #5
    Community Member kaelis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweieie View Post
    Wizard. Better DCs better past life benefits.
    Meaning you serve your time as a wizard, and reroll to where the power lies. Sorcs.
    Beaker is self-centered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phalcon View Post
    Best Piker: Beak: that son of a ***** always scew's me over in every quest im ever in with him. I honestly Don't know why i keep grouping with him!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelis View Post
    Meaning you serve your time as a wizard, and reroll to where the power lies. Sorcs.
    Actually you want: bard > wizard > cleric > cleric > cleric > wizard > wizard > fvs > fvs > fvs > wizard. No sorcs at all unless you're going for that +2 all stats.

  7. #7
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweieie View Post
    Actually you want: bard > wizard > cleric > cleric > cleric > wizard > wizard > fvs > fvs > fvs > wizard. No sorcs at all unless you're going for that +2 all stats.
    Ugh... no thanks, one TR per toon is enough for me
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  8. #8
    Community Member kaelis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oweieie View Post
    Actually you want: bard > wizard > cleric > cleric > cleric > wizard > wizard > fvs > fvs > fvs > wizard. No sorcs at all unless you're going for that +2 all stats.
    overkill... not even star would do that.

    Beaker is self-centered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phalcon View Post
    Best Piker: Beak: that son of a ***** always scew's me over in every quest im ever in with him. I honestly Don't know why i keep grouping with him!

  9. #9
    Community Member -Satureon-'s Avatar
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    Short term: sorcerer.
    Long term: wizard.
    Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
    Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
    Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
    [Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
    Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
    2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
    Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently
    Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
    Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
    My DDO True AC Calculator

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by oweieie View Post
    Actually you want: bard > wizard > cleric > cleric > cleric > wizard > wizard > fvs > fvs > fvs > wizard. No sorcs at all unless you're going for that +2 all stats.
    if one will do multiple reincarnation and end up as a wiz, it stupid for not to take at least one sorc past life for the active past life feat.

    Quote Originally Posted by kaelis View Post
    overkill... not even star would do that.

    imho, the first wiz and sorc past life feats are most useful for the active damage spell past life feats. other than that, the past life are mainly for spell penetration and sorc evocation dc.

    for spell pen, a pure sorc without any past life could get +30 spell pen (for L8 spells) with all enhancement and 2 feats. The enhancement points and feats are expensive so i would take the first tier spell pen enhancement and no feat, so it will be +25 only. 3xwiz+3xfvs past life will give +9, to +34 spell pen. The question is how much spell pen is enough? is +34 overkill?
    • the highest SR mob is the Epic DQ afaik and its SR is 45+, it is not a realistic target to shoot for. but it shows a very high spell pen at least have one use case.
    • The so-called high SR mobs could have up to SR36. (I think no non-named mob has higher than SR36) A rich past life caster could break them easier. There are only a few quests with high SR mobs, such as running with devil, epic OOB etc, and they account for maybe 2 or 3% of all mobs in this game. I personally won't go for 6 past life for the spell penetration because it is too time consuming.
    • the majority of mobs has an SR lower than 30. with spell pen 28-30, you basically could break the SR of 95+% of mobs in this game when rolled 1. I consider 28 as the passing line, and 28 could break any normal shavarath orthons. And 30 is good enough, and you still have 70% chance to break those SR36 mobs. For the extreme Epic DQ2 case, it is suppose to be a team work and you need Shattlemantle anyway.

    anyway, to me, 2-3 wiz + 1 sorc past life is acceptable, and anything more than that is overkill. for my casters, i actually didn't get more than 1 wiz + 1 sorc past life. I hope I have more free time! timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  11. #11
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    WF Sorc > All.

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  12. #12
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    well, i hit the same wall when i was deciding which spellcaster would b best for me, and then, one of my guildies told me this:

    "end game, you will always use the exact same spells....whats the point of havin all if u use only the same ones again and again"

    and how that fits the discussion, well simple, what make wizzards a nice choiced as well, is that they are versitile, having far more spells, but if u reach end game and cast the same stuff again and again whats the point of having all arcane spells of the game? isnt it better to....cast them more times over having a heck load of spells parked and not being used anymore?

    for lower lvl, its better wizard, because they pick spells faster, and can change their spells according to the quest, while sorcerers dont, however once you reach end game, and have your spells settled, having more mana (which is the sorcerer case) is exactly what you want. And yes, with sorcerer you will have sometimes to change spells and spend some money, never doubt that, however, end game, they rule, easy as that, because in terms of damage and amount of spells used b4 the blue bar becomes black, they really oversome wizards.

    i am not saying that wizard is a bad choice, because they can reach a very good damage per spell as well, and very decent cds for spells, and wont face half as many problems as the sorc towards end game, but sorcerer hability to cast stuff faster, with loads of damage, and cast it twice as many times, or more, than a wizard, because a sorcerer mana pool takes far more time to end, have a heavy impact on mid to end game.

    my suggestion to you is, first you go wizard, know the spells, see how well they work, and learn some mana management along the game, then, TR into a sorc, or, make an alternate as a sorc, even if ur f2p you have space in 1 account for 2 characters. See which one you liked to play more once you learn what spells are good and what spells arent, and then, the one you like more, you keep as your main caster^^.
    Last edited by bunitchu; 07-13-2010 at 10:43 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bunitchu View Post
    i am not saying that wizard is a bad choice, because they can reach a very good damage per spell as well, and very decent cds for spells, and wont face half as many problems as the sorc towards end game, but sorcerer hability to cast stuff faster, with loads of damage, and cast it twice as many times, or more, than a wizard, because a sorcerer mana pool takes far more time to end, have a heavy impact on mid to end game.
    Lol, just lol.

  14. #14
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    I would suggest wizard first, then go sorc...

    Sorc class is easy to mess up, You can only swap one spell every 3 days, so if you don't pick the right spells you will be screwed!

  15. #15
    Community Member Archmage49's Avatar
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    I prefer wizard, just the versatility. Now, I haven't reached end game or whatever, but I haven't yet seen where a particular spell is the only one worth preparing. Fire wall is great most of the time, but what if you're in a quest where there's a whole bunch of fire elementals or other fire types? Not much good now is it? Every spell has a use, albeit a limited one.

    Which is why I like wizards over sorcerors, the simple fact that if they know what they are facing, they can customize to fit that threat. Sorc's can't do that, so then what are they going to do, wait a week to replace a few spells? You get more mana, sure, cast faster, thats nice also. But in terms of damage, why can't a wizard do as much, if not more? They have the same feats, same spells, actually wizards get more feats, enhancements the same. Though I suppose a sorceror can just load up on a dozen scrolls to make up the spells lacking?

  16. #16
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragoncrazyxp View Post
    Which is better overall?
    Sorcerers and Wizards each have different play styles to offer, take your pick. Neither one in general is "Better," it's just which ever you like to play more. There are a few rare situations where one class may be better than the other, but in general, they are balanced.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  17. #17
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage49 View Post
    But in terms of damage, why can't a wizard do as much, if not more?
    Sorcerer capstone gives 20% additional damage to all their damaging spells; it is impossible for a Wizard to get this. Therefore, Sorcerers, with the same gear set up as a Wizard, will naturally to more damage with their spells.
    Swez Sowan
    Sowen Sown Sowyn

  18. #18
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Flip a coin.

    On one hand, the 'head' has a more round-ish shape and may show the currency value. On the other hand, the 'tail' may show a picture that is iconic to the country the coin belongs to.

    The point is, you can talk about which sides of a coin is better but you'll only end up with an answer that neither is better than the other. What matters is what YOU think is better and weigh it out yourself because everyone will have differing opinions.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  19. #19
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    I played a sorc, and hated it. They don't actually have double the sp, though they have a lot, but they also tend to burn through it faster. Now, maybe your "second or third life" should be a sorceror, but on the first, definitely far and away I'd say take wizard. The higher DCs and spell penetration mean those "Save or screwed" spells land much more often. Because of this, you save sp, and don't burn through it. Sorcs can waste more mana achieving the same effect, and worse, they have to cast it multiple times wasting time. (Even their cooldown time isn't zero).

    If, however, you want to ZOMG run ahead and firewall the game, play a sorc.

    In either case, drow, human, and wf are your best options IMO. Warforged self heal is hard to beat, but the +2 int for drow or the extra feat on the human can be a great asset as well.

    The +1 AC from halfling is a trap, casters don't usually have any AC.

  20. #20
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Satureon- View Post
    Short term: sorcerer.
    Long term: wizard.
    I think you have that backwards

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