I'm looking for a group, not guild advertisements. People should make it a point NOT to join any guild that advertises in LFG.
I'm looking for a group, not guild advertisements. People should make it a point NOT to join any guild that advertises in LFG.
report em its not a proper use of the lfm that should soon put a stop the the practise.
Beware the Sleepeater
How do you report them? Open a ticket?
Have a nice day!
It seems like half the LFMs these days on Orien are level 6s recruiting for their guild.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
so, wait, buying and selling in the lfm is a viotlation too?
This is an effing game. Not your high school.
It absolutely is. Here's the link to Kosmo's post that says, clear as day, WTB/WTS/trade lfm's are violations
It's surprising how many people can't understand that people use the social panel to look for groups for questing, not to look for trade deals or for guild advertisements. Both of those are spam, and clutter up the listings for, you know, people who are looking to group for quests.
It only really became a problem after the release of the renown system, which makes sense. I saw the same thing in Guild Wars, except it was called favor instead of renown. These new startup mega guilds are really just the same, they're out for anything with a heartbeat that can donate renown/favor so they can have the biggest airship/town, and really not much else. Not what guilds should be about, but play as you like, right?
Looks like i will be doing a few of these, hopefully we can get people to stop the spam!
ty for the responses and info
Well thanks for that wonderful contribution.
What happened, did you get in trouble for your own Guild Recruitment LFM?
I am also reporting some players for these unwanted advertisements, but I don't report them as spam but as harrasment. I think I listed their guild name in the ticket as well.
Edit: To correct myself: I am using and always have been using spam and only spam. Don't know how I mixed that up above.
Last edited by karl_k0ch; 07-13-2010 at 06:52 AM.
Aegapae, Favor grinding Ghallanda
Don't be fooled by the join date or the character level... if I was a robot I'd say I'm more than meets the eye... but I'm not a robot. So I'm just a noob.
Robi's Free to Play Guide
*Will follow suit and report.
It's getting old.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
Quick question from a newb. How effective is this? I know on other games or on XBL filing complaints is basically a waste of time. Do the good fellows of DDO actually take action or issue warnings. I'm sure they aren't allowed to say obviously. Just curious because even as a new player it just urks me when people do this. There are more than enough proper channels that this shouldn't even be an issue. It's to the point where I have all public channels turned off.
I dont have the link to the post, but you have to be slightly careful about that.
From what I read, if they are putting an LFG up that says "Join this party, and run this quest to see if you want to be in our guild" that is technically ok since they are looking for a group.
Though I agree that most LFG that are guild recruiting do not meet that standard.
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock
I don't know if this is always the case, but I've had good experiences thus far. Today, for example, I reported 3 people who were using LFG for guild recruitment - in each case I got the 'your ticket has been updated' message after about 10 minutes and the aforementioned 'groups' had disappeared. Good job, GMs!![]()
I see what you did there!