lawls world of warcraft has been having this problem of "improper" use of the LFM and other channels for years now, good luck with having a gm even open a ticket for a complaint like that
The GMs in this game are awesome. Within a half hour most of my problems have been resolved, from quest glitches to reports on people harrassing other players, and so on. And if they couldn't help me (like with a points spent glitch) they directed me to where I need to go.
As opposed to another game I was playing where it took an hour and a half to get a respone and they recited to do what I'd already tried to fix it and then instead of just putting me outside the quest, they dumped me on the other side of the game world.
My hats off to the GMs in DDO. It's a thankless job and they do it extremely well.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Sarlona Characters: Arklynn, ashefivekay, Bruishe, Mmykah, Coddex, Ghrunk, Kharella, Arcelyn, Sultryshark, Zaknahfein, Aesophoteda, SDSnake, Marbrook, Porkchoppe, Porcine, Rahklyn, Beeteleuse, Frohggy, Mayhems
Hmm as much I disagree with the LFM recruitment tactics I simply just ignore them or maybe drop a general chat comment like - "Desperado Guilds need more monkeys to help them get their airship".
To be honests its just deperado guilds looking for a quick way to build guild renown. As much as its a pain you can simply just ignore the LFM or the various chat channel adverts.
If people are silly enuff to be recruited like that then that's their problem and if gulds wanna recruit players without knowing anything about your playstyle, attitude, experience etc then thats their problem to - it will soon filter through into the general gaming comminuty - guild reps are hard to build but so very, very easy to destroy.
But is it really worth all the whinning, when all you gotta do is lower your eyeballs and read the next valid LFM....
Proud Leader of the Misfits & Mercenaries Guild on Ghallanda, Thelanis & Orien.
Veteran DDO:EU BETA player - The original Misift, long since Chaos hardened - Now busy burning a new path to glory over on the flipside!
LFM recruiting is legal as long as you are holding a guild "audition", meet or questing together. This has been posted before. People from other games come to DDO and start bashing other players for posting groups that want to meet and join guild.
Tolero ~ a Turbine employee and community manager has posted about this ...........
Indeed. Unless you're actually forming a party/raid for an activity, the LFM shouldn't be used for guild recruitment. i.e. if you're having an "audition" for new guildies by having them join your party and running a quest with them that's one thing, but just leaving an LFM up with a guild ad without actually grouping up/questing with folks isn't appropriate use of the LFM.
We do want to have more recruitment tools for guilds in the future, and the guild matchup forums (whether under specific server or in the open-ended forums), general chat, updating MyDDO guild page status to "recruiting," and submitting a guild ad to the Eberron Chronicle are appropriate guild recruitment methods in the meantime.
Here is the link:
Good post Devrak. +rep