Looking for 1 Chaosblade scroll and 1 torc scroll
PM with offers or contact me in game. If something you're looking for is not listed here contact me, i may be able to find it
Can offer:
Lots of Plat
Devil Scales and other larges
Red Scales
Demons blood, Keepsakes, Iron, Artifacts
Festival coins, collectables, tomes, vorpals, stat damagers, stat items, twink gear or just about anything else...
Any or combination of the following scrolls:
Belt of Mroranon
Cloak of the silver concord
Docent of Grace
Dragons Eye
Helm of Mroranon
Ironweave robe
Kundarak Delving goggles
Kundarak Delving suit
Kundarak Warding bracers
Kundarak Warding shield
Neclace of the azure prophecy
Neclace of the Crimson Prophecy
Neclace of the silver prophecy
Ring of the silver concord
Ruby encrusted gauntlets
Adherents Pendant
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Bejeweled Letter Opener
Bracers of the Hunter
Cape of the Roc
Chainmail Coif
Collapsible Shortbow
Coronation Shield
Dynastic Falcata
Firestorm Greaves
Golden Greaves
Hruvayahs Medallion
Hyena Claw Necklace
Mummy Wrappings
Ring of Baphomet
Ring of Spell Storing
Robe of Fire
Shield of the Scorpion
Silken Mail
Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Spiked Turban
Stinkpelt's Hide
Touney Armor
Unkor's Cleaver
Vambraces of Inner Light
Volkoorim Dervish Robe
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Ward of Undeath
Weathered Targe
Wolf Whistle
Pouch of jerky