Like a bag for the cookies >_>
... coming SOON(tm) to the DDO store...
That's my guess.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Last edited by Bradik_Losdar; 07-10-2010 at 02:03 AM. Reason: Already replied to this thread
Please add a Cookie Jar! I have a few points to spare to buy one~![]()
♪♫ Nivinith Spellsinger Bard ♫♪
♥ Peace, Love, & Broccoli ♥
"If more of us valued food and cheer above hoarded gold,
it would be a much merrier world." -JRR Tolkien
This would make carrying all those cookies so much more worth it. our toons are already limited with there bag space (especially if you are a clicky junkie like myself)
Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.
*bump with a suggestion*
How about a bag as one of the random rewards for turning in any festival item? The size of the bag dependant on the rarity of the festival collectables turned in.
3 common festival items: small festival bag
2 uncommon festival items: medium festival bag
1 rare festival items: large festival bag
The capacity of each would be the same as the equivalent collectable item bag. They would need to be unique so a character cannot have more than one of each size at a time. Also being generic festival items they should hold all festival collectable rewards that don't fall into a pre-existing item category (such as the eternal ice wand).
Nihale Stormbringer - Wizard of Thelanis
*bump* My bank and inventory is full of festival treats I'm saving for when I actually need them
Nihale Stormbringer - Wizard of Thelanis
Would be nice
make cookies a little less annoying
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
/signed! i like getting and using them, but they take up A LOT of space. Please make a bag/jar for them. Even if it's a DDO store only thing...i'd buy it!
Owner of ..Chopstix, Colleena Bloodcup, and various other "level 7's"
/signed here too.
This is especially so for those of us with lower level characters. I can't see justification to use a level 10 ennervate on a kobold, and so forth, so I tend to hang onto the cookies till I'm actually in a quest where they're useful.
And if there were a way for festival twigs to stack that would be awesome. My elf pulled eight or ten of the things and that's rough on the bank slots.
It sounds great, but the problem is the same as for spell components: Things can't be used from within a bag.
They could make a bag, sell it to us in the DDO store, then be flooded with complaints that it's "broken" their cookies/cakes.
All the goodies are extras. I DO have a low level character that's got a panel in her pack full of cookies/cakes/"things-that-don't-resemble-anything-I'd-want-to-eat", and I'd love a baggie to put them in. Of course, I'd just have to pull a bunch of them out to use them from my hot bar, and then where is the space saved? Ok, still some space maybe, but really?
I am for a cookie-jar, don't get me wrong - I just think people would complain about it once they got it.
Sorry but I don't see being unable to use items in a bag a valid argument against a storage solution. Being able to compress the slots taken up by the 20+ cookie varieties into one slot for a bag and another 6-9 for the cookies you might want to use in a particular quest is better than filling up entire inventory panels with items either inappropriate for the current quest or section.
Nihale Stormbringer - Wizard of Thelanis
Dear $diety please give us cookie jars, and scroll cases, and wand storage of some sort. And a red sports car, any kind of sports car, but no geo metros....