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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Do Class Devotion Enhancements stack?

    If you are multi-classing and have devotion enhancements to improve healing available for each class, do they stack?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    My wild guess is that the enhancements will work only for the class you cast a spell with.

    Say you have a bard / cleric and healing amp enhancements from both classes. When you cast cleric heals, you get the healing amp enhancements calculated that you have under the cleric enhancements. When you cast a bard healing spell, you get the healing amp from your bard enhancements.

    A devotion or potency item, of course, would work equally for all healing spells you cast.

  3. #3
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Taking one class's enhancements lock you out of taking similar enhancements for another class. IE Ranger Dexterity locks you out of Rogue Dexterity or Cleric Devotion locks you out of Ranger/Paladin Devotion.

  4. #4
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    Class enhancements stack with race enhancements
    Class enhancements do not stack with other class enhancements.

    Most often, if you take Cleric Devotion, you won't be able to get Ranger devotion
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  5. #5
    Community Member Dexol's Avatar
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    As a general rule, any enhansments you can take will stack, but! usually if 2 classes have the same enhansment line, you can only take 1 of them. If the enhansments differ slightly you may be able to take them both, in which case they will stack.
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  6. #6
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    One thing that's kind of intersting is that while taking one class enhancement will lock you out of the same enhancement for your other classes, you enhancement works on all spells of the correct type. You can also take related enhancements from different classes.

    Let's use a Ranger 12/ Cleric 8 for an example. You can take the Ranger Devotion enhancements since you'll have more of them and sooner. This will boost your Cleric healing spells (and Dragonmarks too), but it will lock you out of the Cleric Devotion Enhancements. Now you can also take the Cleric enhancements to gain more spell crits and increase the multiplier. And so all of your healing spells will have the increased damage and crits.

    However, in the long run, this is usually less impressive than it appears at first because higher level healing spells(especially Heal) will vastly outstrip lower level healing spells, even with these little synergies.

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Incidentally, this can also affect your available PrEs if they require overlapping enhs; e.g., you can't make a Ninja Spy / Acrobat because both require the Tumble enh from their respective classes.

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