Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
Then the team is kinda split up.
Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:
"It's sad we r dying on normal"
"Because we got a bad healer"
"why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"
He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid...