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  1. #1
    Community Member z720821's Avatar
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    Angry I am so angry!

    Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
    Then the team is kinda split up.
    Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:
    "It's sad we r dying on normal"
    "Because we got a bad healer"
    "why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"

    He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
    He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
    So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid...
    Lilice Wizard.
    Wildlily half cleric half rogue.
    Demonlily favored soul.
    And I play my husband's fighter sometimes too.

  2. #2
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    tear of dharkan , even though is one of the best xp/loot quest of its lvl, is by far one of the most complicated when it comes down to groups. There are many ways to do that quest, and many ppl diverge on how to do it once they are in.

    i once went with a group with my pally. There was a cleric, a rogue, another paladin, a wiz and a fighter. Some ppl when they reach the village part, rather go straight for the golem then to shrine, and sometimes it works, some others like me, rather go for shrine first, specially if on elite, because the way to the second shrine starting on the village isnt easy, and the golem being a optional that will beat the group half to death, is soemthing that can wait some more to b done, there is no problem to do it even after you finish quest, or if you rather to just shrine first to then come back, the important is not overdo when it can wipe the party.

    I told the group a total of 5 times (specially because along the way i saw how our cleric was managing its sp, and he would not have enough for golem fight followed by prying open the way to shrine) "lets go to shrine first when we reach village", and explained flawlessly my reasons, but no replies, and thought they understood my point of view and would try not getting wiped. Well, as soon as we got to the village, the paladin said "to the golem" (after 5 friggin warnings) and i lost patience and said "dangit dude, pay attention to the chat, what did i tell you guys ever since the middle of the quest? the shrine comes first, we clear the path then come back", and he replied "the $hit on this village respawn, we must not come back", then i had to explain all over again that between running past 5 or 6 mobs that respawn, or 30 in the way to the shrine, of course it was more plausible to go first clean the way to the shrine while the cleric still had sp(25% of it) to heal us on those fights, to then return to the golem and kill it with full hp/sp.

    then sheetstorm started, the paladin started yelling at voip saying he wasnt appreciating the way i directed myself to him, that he had 3 chars on 20 and that he had run that quest 3 times and knew all of all....and yet wanted a group to face that golem on elite with a cleric nearly out of sp to then pry the way open to the shrine. SO after some discussion, the wiz and the cleric died because they rushed ahead alone, he stayed behind to watch the rest die, and i asked the rogue and the fighter to follow me, and gave them some of my invis pots. I would lead invisible and if mobs had to follow someone, they would follow me for being the first in, and had the rogue pick up the stones of the cleric and the wiz to open the shrine and res them, and when we reached the part full of archers, i saw the rogue fighting mobs behind me instead of remain invisible, thus he died, and the fighter, started fighting stuff on the archer room, and died as well. After that, i pretty much quitted the group, because its just not doable when ppl dont listen what you say even after you explain your reasoning.

    summarizing : tears is a quest that if you know it, first of all you ask ur buddies if they know it as well, if yes, you still propose ur way of doing it and see if they agree, or give better suggestion, if you enter quest without a plan, with just ppl "knowing it" however not giving suggestions as to how complete it, you will sure stumble on the same thing over and over again. And if they dont, then you step up and give the plan the same way, and explain every part of it. If your group remains silent and just enters the quest, you ask if they understood what you want from them and if they will do it, if they still dont reply and rush ahead, leave party and let them die, because that usually means they read what you asked, ignored it, and rathered run blind into it, and that sort of behavior always,and i repeat, ALWAYS, result on wipe.
    Last edited by bunitchu; 07-08-2010 at 01:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member krak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by z720821 View Post
    Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
    Then the team is kinda split up.
    Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:
    "It's sad we r dying on normal"
    "Because we got a bad healer"
    "why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"

    He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
    He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
    So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid...
    err..this is not forum chat as much as it is forum rant.people were not well experienced in the quest it seems.You live,you learn.if i get a bad ww group (that's harbor,for those who don't know)i dont forum cant forum every group you have a bad experience in otherwise you will kill the servers!!try to teach and tell them what you know,compare notes with each other and if that doesnt work,curse them out,yell and scream like a banshee.This coming from a low tolerance impatient person.Bottom together with your knowledge of a quest,compile,think...THEN go.Otherwise no one will ever learn from each other thier knowledge(hence progression)....i am done.......i did my good deed for the universe of new ddo argo players....youll never see this again......*dizzy.......dizzy*im bak,what the **** i write?

  4. #4
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krak View Post
    err..this is not forum chat as much as it is forum rant.people were not well experienced in the quest it seems.You live,you learn.if i get a bad ww group (that's harbor,for those who don't know)i dont forum cant forum every group you have a bad experience in otherwise you will kill the servers!!try to teach and tell them what you know,compare notes with each other and if that doesnt work,curse them out,yell and scream like a banshee.This coming from a low tolerance impatient person.Bottom together with your knowledge of a quest,compile,think...THEN go.Otherwise no one will ever learn from each other thier knowledge(hence progression)....i am done.......i did my good deed for the universe of new ddo argo players....youll never see this again......*dizzy.......dizzy*im bak,what the **** i write?

    You forgot to ridicule his 5cleric/3rogue build.

    On a serious note, whenever I make an Evasion splash toon, I usually wait if its a caster. take rogue at level one, then second rogue level around 10 or 11. Its easier to cast/heal etc. At lower level with more caster levels obviously.

    But hey, its your sexy toon, you do what you want!

    Oh and the old chestnut:

    "Any Low to Mid level Melee thats Belly-Achin' about the Heals oughta buy some dern Potions!"

    I stand by that by the way. Tear of Dhakaan needs only good tactics and a half stack of pots per party member.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    You forgot to ridicule his 5cleric/3rogue build.

    On a serious note, whenever I make an Evasion splash toon, I usually wait if its a caster. take rogue at level one, then second rogue level around 10 or 11. Its easier to cast/heal etc. At lower level with more caster levels obviously.

    But hey, its your sexy toon, you do what you want!

    Oh and the old chestnut:

    "Any Low to Mid level Melee thats Belly-Achin' about the Heals oughta buy some dern Potions!"

    I stand by that by the way. Tear of Dhakaan needs only good tactics and a half stack of pots per party member.
    You are making them wrong then but thats a common mistake.

    Suree, take first level of rogue at first level (as per your example) but you need to wait until at least 12th, though I prefer 16th, for that second level of rogue. Here is why:

    a. You dont need evasion at low levels.
    b. You want to wait until you have the highest possible INT and thus able to get the benefit from the extra skill points. This means you may even want to wait until lvl 20 but I find waiting until lvl 16 adequate.

    PS: Threadjacking in progress.

  6. #6
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul.E.Morph View Post
    You are making them wrong then but thats a common mistake.

    Suree, take first level of rogue at first level (as per your example) but you need to wait until at least 12th, though I prefer 16th, for that second level of rogue. Here is why:

    a. You dont need evasion at low levels.
    b. You want to wait until you have the highest possible INT and thus able to get the benefit from the extra skill points. This means you may even want to wait until lvl 20 but I find waiting until lvl 16 adequate.

    PS: Threadjacking in progress.
    Most peeps aren't packing +3 or 4 Int tomes on a new toon.

    That makes anything past level 7 adequate for the purposes you've stated.
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
    Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
    Most peeps aren't packing +3 or 4 Int tomes on a new toon.

    That makes anything past level 7 adequate for the purposes you've stated.
    I disagree

    Aren't you aware that you get another stat point at every fourth level?

    By taking that extra level of rogue so early you are making a mistake when waiting a little while longer you are getting more INT points.

    More INT = More skill points. Really, it's easy to understand.

    Furthermore they sell +2 INT tomes in the DDO store so yes, most people are packing +2 INT Tomes.

    Finally you just don't need evasion before lvl 16.

    You should read more about builds and try out a build planner to get the hang of it before trying to instruct others, it could really help you.
    Last edited by Paul.E.Morph; 07-08-2010 at 04:18 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    Community Member krak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    you Forgot To Ridicule His 5cleric/3rogue Build.

    On A Serious Note, Whenever I Make An Evasion Splash Toon, I Usually Wait If Its A Caster. Take Rogue At Level One, Then Second Rogue Level Around 10 Or 11. Its Easier To Cast/heal Etc. At Lower Level With More Caster Levels Obviously.

    But Hey, Its Your Sexy Toon, You Do What You Want!

    Oh And The Old Chestnut:

    "any Low To Mid Level Melee Thats Belly-achin' About The Heals Oughta Buy Some Dern Potions!"

    I Stand By That By The Way. Tear Of Dhakaan Needs Only Good Tactics And A Half Stack Of Pots Per Party Member.
    What He Said!!!

  9. #9
    Community Member IgorUnchained's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    You forgot to ridicule his 5cleric/3rogue build.

    On a serious note, whenever I make an Evasion splash toon, I usually wait if its a caster. take rogue at level one, then second rogue level around 10 or 11. Its easier to cast/heal etc. At lower level with more caster levels obviously.

    But hey, its your sexy toon, you do what you want!

    Oh and the old chestnut:

    "Any Low to Mid level Melee thats Belly-Achin' about the Heals oughta buy some dern Potions!"

    I stand by that by the way. Tear of Dhakaan needs only good tactics and a half stack of pots per party member.

    I just ran Tear yesterday with a guy who was still wearing mostly Korthos Gear and who I had to give proper armor to (lvl 4 armor). We were both lvl 7. He was a Barb/Rogue, so he was going to be able to bring the dps and trap/lock abilities that I didnt have as a bard (warchanter, but in healing and CC mode more than I like). We did the whole dungeon and every tear in respectable time and without any problems.

    Id rather have a 2 man party that works well together than a 6 man party doing its own thing (without wisdom). Im sure Im not at all alone on that.
    Play True Neutral - Live Chaotic Good

  10. #10
    Community Member mondo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by z720821 View Post
    Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
    Then the team is kinda split up.
    Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:
    "It's sad we r dying on normal"
    "Because we got a bad healer"
    "why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"

    He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
    He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
    So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid... an excellent guide to building a Clogue AKA crafty cleric I have one myself TY Impact one of my fav toons build yours how you want this is just a recommendation
    Gemdeath (Gimp Completionist)
    Wolfclan Wharfrat Furios and others. Yes my grammer sucks

  11. #11
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Btw, what happened in that quest was not your fault.

    But it's worth noting that people who post LFMs saying "need healer" ....quite often, really do need a healer.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  12. #12
    Community Member Zippo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by z720821 View Post
    Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
    Then the team is kinda split up.
    Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:
    "It's sad we r dying on normal"
    "Because we got a bad healer"
    "why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"

    He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
    He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
    So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid...

    Sorry but when I saw the title all I could think of was Marvin the Martian

    More on topic though, I'm not sure why you went with a 5/3 split like you did but whatever thats your thing not mine. Now with that said, they accepted you in the group and if they don't like it or you don't like the way they treat you, you just don't run with them. You just move on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  13. #13
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by z720821 View Post
    Yesterday my half cleric half rogue character was doing "Tear of Dhakaan" with a full group.I was the only healer and there is no WHOLE rogue in the team.We did it on normal.After we started the quest.The team leader said he doesn't know know that quest very well.And there was one guy said,he knows that quest but he hates leading.
    Then the team is kinda split up.
    Me and the other 2 ppl was heading to the way with fire trap.When I was disabling the trap,someone in another part of this group said "You dont even need to go that way,we dont have a rog." Then I said "I am a rogue..." After I finished that part,I went to catch another group.I tried to heal one by one.The only wiz said "heal me" before his turn.So I heal him first.After that,we kept going to the underwater part.The group split up again.Some ppl went into the water straight,and some ppl were fighting at the top floor(includ me).I was out of mana,so I started healing ppl with the wand I bought.The wiz spoke again:

    "It's sad we r dying on normal"
    "Because we got a bad healer"

    "why you are a lev5 cleric lev3 rogue,not a lev7 cleric lev1 rogue?"

    He really **** me off.So I said "fine,the you go to find the other better healer".
    He replied "ok,bye".And nobody said any thing for me.The team leader just kept saying "come into the water".
    So I recalled and quit.Later I saw they posted and looked for "rogue" or "healer".(with a 5 ppl group)That was really stupid...
    To which you reply - "its sad that you play so bad you need a healer to keep you alive" then you hand him a Hireling Vendor's business card LOL
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  14. #14
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazeratti View Post
    To which you reply - "its sad that you play so bad you need a healer to keep you alive" then you hand him a Hireling Vendor's business card LOL
    ok, I so need to get a stack of those. cleric and arcane (for the wf "stars").
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  15. #15
    Community Member Autolycus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazeratti View Post
    To which you reply - "its sad that you play so bad you need a healer to keep you alive" then you hand him a Hireling Vendor's business card LOL
    LOL. That's a great idea. You should post that in the Suggestions forum. I'd love for my cleric to be able to hand out hireling vendor business cards to special people.

    Edit: Unfortunately I'm on a +rep timer
    Edit 2: just got off timer
    Last edited by Autolycus; 07-08-2010 at 08:13 PM.

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