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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Monk/Ranger advice needed

    I am a new player still trying to learn the game. The concept toon I am looking for is one that has good melee DPS (doesn't have to be the best) utilizing two weapons, but also good AC/saves/survivability. In looking over the classes it would seem some form of Monk/Ranger combo might work. I would assume Dex-based would be better for the defense, but maybe I'm wrong. So essentially I'd like some guidance or advice as to this concept. Maybe Monk/Ranger isn't the best combo for this route. I'm looking for thoughts from the more experienced players.

    Help a noob?

  2. #2
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default ummm....

    Since you are new, I would either do a forum search for Monk/Ranger builds and pick one (there are a few out there) or just plain forget about it for the moment.

    I have been playing PnP games for... well... ever and I STILL make the occasional mistake there. Likewise, I have been playing comp or MMOs for... not quite forever but rather close. I ended up scrapping almost ALL of my first build for DDO.

    I would suggest playing Ranger, Monk and at least three other classes as pure to at least 14 level and then tinkering with a Multi-class build of your own.

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