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Thread: New fighter

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New fighter

    So I'm new to the game and wanted to try a 2 weapon fighter. Unfortunately because i needed 17 dex to get improved 2 weapon fighting I ended up putting 17 points to dex at char creation. I think this is gonna hurt me in the long run but Im not sure... My stats at lvl 1 are:

    Str 17
    Dex 17
    Con 10
    Int 8
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    I figured if im just DPS i don't need so much HP and I'll always have more HP than other dps classes like a rogue. Now I'm lvl 4 but i'm thinking maybe I should re roll with different stats, maybe lower dex and higher con or even int. I rather not but I don't want to be too gimp either. Any of you have some suggestions? I'm no powergamer but don't wanna be too gimp either

    Also a guide as to where I should place my ability scores up at every 4 levels would be appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velektor View Post
    So I'm new to the game and wanted to try a 2 weapon fighter. Unfortunately because i needed 17 dex to get improved 2 weapon fighting I ended up putting 17 points to dex at char creation. I think this is gonna hurt me in the long run but Im not sure... My stats at lvl 1 are:

    Str 17
    Dex 17
    Con 10
    Int 8
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    I figured if im just DPS i don't need so much HP and I'll always have more HP than other dps classes like a rogue. Now I'm lvl 4 but i'm thinking maybe I should re roll with different stats, maybe lower dex and higher con or even int. I rather not but I don't want to be too gimp either. Any of you have some suggestions? I'm no powergamer but don't wanna be too gimp either

    Also a guide as to where I should place my ability scores up at every 4 levels would be appreciated, thanks!
    You thought wrong. Con below 12 is not survivable while 14 is considered the minimum by most. Dex can be 15 at start if you obtain a +2 Dex Tome (Which is quite common) or 16 for +1 Dex tome (which is even more common). ALL ability scores added every 4 levels should go into STR.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Mangloid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Velektor View Post
    So I'm new to the game and wanted to try a 2 weapon fighter. Unfortunately because i needed 17 dex to get improved 2 weapon fighting I ended up putting 17 points to dex at char creation. I think this is gonna hurt me in the long run but Im not sure... My stats at lvl 1 are:

    Str 17
    Dex 17
    Con 10
    Int 8
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    I figured if im just DPS i don't need so much HP and I'll always have more HP than other dps classes like a rogue. Now I'm lvl 4 but i'm thinking maybe I should re roll with different stats, maybe lower dex and higher con or even int. I rather not but I don't want to be too gimp either. Any of you have some suggestions? I'm no powergamer but don't wanna be too gimp either

    Also a guide as to where I should place my ability scores up at every 4 levels would be appreciated, thanks!
    Change stats to:

    28 pt True Neural Human Male
    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 15
    Int 8
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    or to

    28 pt True Neural Human Male
    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 14
    Int 10
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    or to

    28 pt True Neutral Dwarf or WF
    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 16
    Int 10
    Wis 8
    Cha 6

    With any one of these all you will need to add is a +1 dex tome (cheap and can buy them off the store of the AH). The builds with 10 int give you an extra skill point to play with and could allow for Combat Exp. with a +3 tome.
    Put skill points into 1) UMD 2) a balance between Balance and Jump. As stated above all level ups go into STR
    Last edited by Mangloid; 07-07-2010 at 02:09 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  4. #4
    Community Member Superdude097's Avatar
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    Default Hi Welcome

    I have found this thread to be helpful:

    I'm not saying that these are "ZOMG! TEH BEST" builds, but the thread could at least give you an idea of what's what; also, if TWF doesn't turn out to be your style, you could try one of the other builds provided.

    P.S. Not sure how useful the thread is since the Update

    P.P.S. AyumiAmakusa and Mangloid are probably much more knowledgeable that I am.

    EDIT: Also Kace
    "Does 'Protection From Normal Missiles' work if Creggor throws me at him?" -Bo Sa, the Blind Samurai

  5. #5
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    Thanks you all for your input, Mangloid stated that I could get "a +1 dex tome (cheap and can buy them off the store of the AH)" but I thought tomes weren't available from the AH.

    I like to stay with human and will prob reroll to something more balanced as Mangloid suggested but a question, why true neutral? Oh last one, is it better to have an even or odd ability score at start? Because of tomes I read somewhere that it could make a difference.

    Thanks again for your replies!

  6. #6
    Community Member Superdude097's Avatar
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    +1 and +2 Tomes can be posted on/purchased from the AH (higher plus cannot be traded), but they range from 10's of thousands of pp (+1) to 100's of thousands (+2). If you play a lot you can amass that much. Most people suggest that new players going TWF should buy a Tome from the DDO Store; +1 cost ~355 Tubine Points and are min level 3, +2 are ~595 TP min level 7. If you want to take the Improved TWF feat as soon as possible, starting with 16 DEX and buying +1 would be the way to go; if you start at 15 DEX and plan to get the +2, you'll have to wait a couple levels.

    Of course if you can't get your hands on a +1 tome (if starting with 16 DEX) your first level up point (level 4) will likely need to go into DEX.

    When it comes to odd stats vs even stats, you have 5 level up points (which for a Fighter should all go to STR). Items give up to +6 (+9 theoretically with crafting), Each class can get up to +3 and each race can get up to +2 in a specific ability from Enhancement (Fighters = STR, Humans = any 1 stat), the most powerful Tomes are +5 (and are absurdly rare).

    In general, I'd say start with all/mostly even stats.

    True Neutral is good because with High Use Magic Device skill you can use weapons that are Race/Alignment(/Class?) Required without actually meeting the requirement (level reqs. cannot be bypassed). However, since you're a fighter, UMD is Cross-Class so it takes twice as many skill points to raise (might be a good reason to go 10 INT as Human vs 8), and therefore won't be very useful until higher levels (especially since CHA is a dump stat). True Neutral also helps in higher levels when fighting monsters that deal Alignment damage.

    EDIT: I just saw a +3 Tome on the AH

    RE-EDIT: Turns out the +3 Tome was a Festivult Jester Reward (he can also [rarely] give +4, or so it would seem)
    Last edited by Superdude097; 07-09-2010 at 06:08 AM.
    "Does 'Protection From Normal Missiles' work if Creggor throws me at him?" -Bo Sa, the Blind Samurai

  7. #7
    Community Member Kace's Avatar
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    Constitution is nice - when you get to high levels. It's imperative for one of your earliest characters because by far the largest source of hit points is loot, which you won't have, so you'll have to make up some ground. That said, you can get away with 10 con early, and this is still a 28 point build. You could play this guy till you unlock 32 points and then greater res him or reroll him and add con at that point. At the very least it will be good practice at getting out of the way as a valid tactic, rather than the leading with the face strategy that many new players fall into.

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