I see everyone saying that wf sorc are better then drow sorc. However, I have started trying both with different accounts as I only have the wf on my daughters so rolled one on hers.
My thoughts:
Yes a WF can self-heal. That is very effective and easy to do. He also has immunities that are nice as well. However, I have started to lean more towards my drow builds. Higher charisma allows me to get alot more spells to work. Example: with niac's and my WF it almost never works yet with my drow it almost always does.
Another important part is that at early levels the wf can fight and solo better. However, with a cleric hireling my drow has no problem mowing down the competition. Also, at higher levels my umd is high enough to give some awesome healing of wands.
Don' get me wrong i still like to play the WF sorcs but just find them way harder to use for casting then my drow sorcs. WOuld love to hear others opinions.