Hi everyone,
Before I continue, I should provide some context. My main is a level 12 cleric and I would call my myself a casual player. I do have the occasional marathon sessions, but I'm no power gamer. With my limited experience, I figured I should ask for help on a few "protocols":
1 - Am I expected to heal hirelings? Usually it's not an issue, but on occasion dropped members are substituted with a hireling. And when that happens, I'm completely thrown for a loop. Should I spend SP on keeping them standing if they aren't tanking?
Depends on the situation. Heal em enough to keep them standing, but maintain priority over the PCs.
2 - Should I start keeping pets alive and well? I haven't done this, but I noticed that with the radiant servant aura the pets survive longer because they're getting healed. I don't think it's a good idea to spend SP on a pet you can just re-summon, but what the hell do I know.
Leave the pets, if they catch AOE heals its fine, but its not your responsiblity - they don't contribute enough as a general rule.
3 - Beholders kick my ass. Anti-magic ray is the new bane of my existence. While my usual tactic of "stay the hell away from the flying eyeball and try to keep the party standing" is what most parties tell me to do, I feel like I should be doing more. Is there a strategy for clerics against these freaking things? You never know when someone will kite one of those suckers right to you - then what?
Pull out a Maul and smack 'em. If you have the fort and will saves (which as a cleric you do) in emergencies you can do toe to toe with a beholder. Be prepared to get whined at by your group. Destruction (when you get is) is spectacular at one-shotting Beholders, so when you get that, inch into range and hammer him.
4 - Should I keep members who detrimental to the party alive? I spend about 99% of my time in PuGs and occasionally there is a member that I truly believe the party would be better off without. During a fight, I tend to heal them last, but should I just let them drop, and raise afterwards? In the end, I would probably save SP and help the party finish the quest, but it seems a little mean to stop healing someone because of how I feel they are contributing.
Depends on the situation. First time deaths equal loss of XP. If the expense of maintaining said party member is doable (no resource burn, doesn't break into SP reserves) then go ahead and keep them up if you're not too busy with others. If, however, maintaining said party member endangers the rest of the party by burning SP reserves and resources, then let 'em die and tell them you're gonna let them die.