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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default trying to get a little melee dps out of wf wiz

    I have a level 7 wf wiz. I want to go to 20 preferrable as a pure wizard but would like to be able to do some melee dps to conserve sp and still contribute to groups and also for solo. Very limited on what I can use. Mostly clubs and staffs. Anything to help or any specific item or advice on how i can be of some use in melee even though i know it wont be high damage.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by healeren View Post
    I have a level 7 wf wiz. I want to go to 20 preferrable as a pure wizard but would like to be able to do some melee dps to conserve sp and still contribute to groups and also for solo. Very limited on what I can use. Mostly clubs and staffs. Anything to help or any specific item or advice on how i can be of some use in melee even though i know it wont be high damage.
    The Level 1 spell "Master's Touch" allows you to wield all martial weapons for 1 minute per level and the feat Extend is *supposed* to work with it (I've heard it may be bugged, but I'm not sure), so you're not limited to clubs and staffs. I personally cast and then wield a greataxe.

    I'm no wizard expert, but my instant advice would be to reroll and consider something like a rogue2/wiz18 build. I'm currently playing with it and can handle myself fairly well so far on the lower levels with my greataxe. It's a very solo-friendly build. Make sure to take rogue as your first level as that will give you more skill points, etc. Most people say to take the second level of rogue right after you get firewall. You should be able to handle just about any trap in the game, you can use umd and you'll get sneak attack damage when you melee.

    Again, I'm certainly no expert, but it's been working out well for me so far at level 5 and I've seen many similar builds on these boards.

  3. #3
    Community Member Muldamai's Avatar
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    Master Touch has been modified, I think for "lag" reduction purposes. When you cast it, it attaches to whatever weapon(s) you have in hand. With the change, Extend is not currently working with Master's Touch, at least I cannot make it work on 3 different characters.

    If the only thing you are worried about is melee type damage, use a 2 hander with Master's Touch and stay a pure wizard. I don't feel that would justify 2 levels of rogue, that has other purposes. Oh high strength, right after as much intelligence and constitution as you can muster.

    Low level, use something with extra damage, like a Flaming weapon, or Acid, or, go get a Carnifex from Delaria's Tomb. Higher up, something Metaline (to bypass damage reduction) and greater bane types work the best for melee purposes.

    I have been using a +5 Metaline staff myself, and I can beat something down......eventually. Don't expect miracles say, from the Desert Sands onward (roughly level 12+).
    Quote Originally Posted by Heronous View Post
    The clam can not be ransacked.

  4. #4
    Community Member bashemgud's Avatar
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    If your starting str is decent ( I guess 14+, 16 better), you can easily melee with a Greataxe as a pure WF Wizard. Masters touch low lvl, and then Divine Power clickies when you can use them (lvl 11 usually). Buy a bunch of those.

    You can also take Power attack, and take the 3 WF Power Atk enhancements at mid lvl. Add a GS Great Axe, like a light 2, and you can easily melee anything on normal-hard settings.

    But don't splash for melee purpose, doesn't work well, unless you planned it from the beginning.

  5. #5
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    Tukaw has a great melee build on the forums some place. Look that over and decide if you want to really make a melee caster. It takes alot of multiclass and gear to make his build work the way it is intended, but it does work if your willing to put the work into it. That being said, if you just want to swing a weapon, find a shiny great axe, get Wall of Fire as soon as you can. Cast masters touch on the great axe, cast wall of fire and stand in the middle swinging to your hearts content
    Winston Churchill:
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  6. #6
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Well, you need to be able to hit your target.

    And you need to find a way to do so without getting beat up. (which can be done without AC or HP if you know what you are doing)
    (and a fully buffed caster is not squishy)

    And one idea is to not worry about damage, but use weapons with special effects that will be useful to the party reguardless of your DPS output.

    Paralysers for one.

    A Vorpal (using Master's Touch) is another.

    My Drow Wizard has a 28 Dex, Wep finess, and an arsenal of special rapiers....and a Vorpal Kukri.

    I hit pretty good actually. Do little damage, but get the special effects to land often enough to feel useful.

    Otherwise, mine is a normal caster build. (well...except for the stealth thing. )
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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