Considering we now have epic items, the changes to TWH and THF, alot of people now have greensteel weapons, items they can no longer use. I am one of them. I used to have a crit rage barb dual wielding rapier/SS combo. I made 2 sets of these now. I spent a ton of time farming ingredients and am now stuck farming again to do the same in greataxes.
It has been entioned in numerous threads about this. Can you somehow implement this in game? Or if you never plan to add it, then tell us.
Greensteel has essentially become a mid level crafting for those that dont want to run epic quests for items. So we want our greensteel items/weapons. But now there are alot less people running shroud due to epic items so it takes even longer to get ingreds to craft.
Toss us some info please.
Heres a money maker. Post a deconstruct item in the DDO store that will break down greensteel to its origional components. Hell I would buy those in a second to avoid the grind again.