Now I don't often do a Hound raid because well it's near pointless for me but every now and then I help friends out and decide to do it and I'd like to inform any players who do PuG this raid that you can guard tank the big dog without intimidating her and maintaining agro. So before you run your mouth and spew out garbage you have no idea what you're talking about do some research. Non typed non elemental guards DO hit the big dog. Some of these include: Disintegration, Corrosive Salt, Steam, bludgeoning from Crushing Wave, and the DQ Bramble-Casters. Also, with a few procs of the disintegrate and a corrosive salt before the dogs are charmed (which I had 3 salts and 2 disintegrates before the dogs were charmed) it's very good likelines that you can maintain the agro. Especially considering Steam will proc every few hits. So before you attempt to join a PuG hound and spew out nonesense please make sure you know what you're talking about. Thanks, I hope this will further inform our community of alternative ways of tanking the main dog.